What can kill your appetite in the evening

What can kill your appetite in the evening
 Owners extra pounds often wonder how not to stay hungry and at the same time lose weight. And most of these thoughts there was evening when, after a day's work as it should want to fill your stomach. Meanwhile, there are some ways not to overeat or to kill your appetite at all, not at the expense of health and forms. After a day wasted energy must be replenished, and its main source is food.  
 There are a few simple tricks to consume less food without too much suffering for yourself. Their performance greatly facilitates the task to lose weight.

Do not be reserved for future use different goodies. If you want to please your stomach another delicacy, buy it in small quantities, as they say at times. Then intention to once again look into the fridge and empty it will disappear by itself.

Cook dinner portions. Absence of an additive eliminates the temptation pochrevougodnichat. The tendency to choose low-calorie foods completeness or burn the excess received vigorous sports.

Do not erect themselves stringent requirements, for example, do not eat after 6pm. Consider your energy costs per day and expulsion time for bed. After all, quite an empty stomach will cause a lot of culinary fantasies which will prevent the rapid fall asleep. The ideal time for dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

If dinner announced a definitive -, but there is unbearably want, try to fool the stomach low-fat cheese, carrot, plum, banana, dried fruits. Formed in the process of splitting glucose will charge a certain amount of energy and eliminate hunger.

If you want a sweet night, replace the sugar with honey, chocolate - dried fruits, dates, nuts. In tandem with green tea, they perfectly fill the emptiness in the stomach, get rid of the hungry rumbling and cheer up.

Kill your appetite before bedtime helps a cup of yogurt. This drink is not only satisfies hunger but also has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Regular consumption of kefir improves the complexion, skin, restores microflora.

Any food eaten even a meager amount, will bring a feeling of fullness, if it is chewed to a liquid state. Therefore, any savor snacks. This will help to overcome the appetite.

Tags: Ambassador, evening, small appetite