How to remove wrinkles on the sides

How to remove wrinkles on the sides
 Overweight laterally away very slowly. Usual dietary restrictions it is virtually impossible to remove. So take the whole complex, which will include sports, body wraps, baths. And, of course, should abandon the high-calorie foods.
 Excellent helps remove excess weight from the sides hoop. Twist it must be as often as possible. In the first days of training you may have discomfort, especially if the metal hoop or a professional. But after 5-8 sessions the pain will go away. Before this exercise, put on the waist and hips slimming cream, so you will achieve results much faster.

Help remove fat from the sides can and other exercises. Lie on your back and do the exercises scissors, opening your legs as wide as possible. Of course, the more you practice, the faster will achieve results.

Stand up straight, grab a dumbbell and perform side bends. Try to keep your back straight, otherwise the result of this exercise will be less. Lie on your back, bend your legs to the feet flat on the floor. Without lifting the torso, try to reach out a hand to foot. Do this exercise 50 times for each side.

Swing the press, trying to reach an elbow to the knee the opposite side of the body, ie, right to left and vice versa. This exercise is called the press to the rotation. To increase the effectiveness of this activity, it must be run on a gymnastic bench.

Twice a week to do the wrapping. Spread on the waist and hips slimming cream, adding a few drops of oil of lemon or grapefruit. Then wrap around problem areas usual plastic wrap. Top you can wear a warm coat or a warming zone, it will increase the efficiency of wraps.

To quickly remove wrinkles on the sides, it is necessary to use the bath for weight loss. They can be made from sea salt with the addition of essential oils of citrus, lime color, mustard or soda. These baths should take no more than 15 minutes, and after them will hold up under a warm blanket at least 30 minutes, only then will you be able to get their effect.

Of course, none of these methods will not help remove wrinkles on the sides, if you do not eat sensibly. Eliminate from your diet all high-calorie foods and do not eat after six in the evening. And even better - Calculate the approximate number of calories that you spend per day. Consume calories per day a little more of the numbers that you get. After all, your goal - not to lose weight with the help of a hunger strike, but just do not gain weight because of the food.

Tags: fat place side fold

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