Winter hair styling. Stylist tips

Winter hair styling. Stylist tips
 How to ensure that the hair under a cap and retain the freshness and shine, kept the volume and styling? These and other questions are answered by an expert on hair care and hairstyles master Galina Erkova.

- The main mistake - is applied to the hair a large amount of foam, gel or varnish, hoping to keep the shape and volume under the cap, - says Galina. - The effect of this - just the opposite: hairstyle not only priplyusnetsya but firmly engages in this form. Caps because, as a rule, close to the head, and in this case to preserve the lush styling, none hairdresser, frankly, has not yet invented.

- Well, now go bareheaded women of fashion?

- Of course not! And not just because you run the risk of serious catch a cold, but also because the narrowing of blood vessels from the cold leads to disruption of the normal blood flow to the hair follicles. As a result, locks suffer, because that loses nutrients.

- How can that be?

- The only correct way - make a good haircut, which will be advantageous to look at a minimum of manipulation and paving funds - "in its natural form." Shampoos and conditioners, giving volume to be very helpful here.

It is also advisable not to wash your hair and not "stacked" right before going out. Hair must necessarily have time to dry completely, lie down, "get over it". Otherwise, hat, like the press, squeeze wet strands, and styling products, all this is just and secure. This - of course, the "death sentence" for hairstyles.

In addition, when the hair is dry, and you try them comb - hair will stand on end from static electricity. Therefore, my hair at least 2 hours prior to departure, I soak a towel and dry naturally (dryer every day - it is very harmful).

- Facilitate there life "winter" collection styling products are widely advertised today?

- Advertise it is advertising. However, if you go to winter "special" series, the worse off it will not. Typically, these tools solve the most common problems with hair in the cold season: help keep the volume and shape of hair under a cap - due to its flexibility; reduce the effect of "electrification"; saturate the hair with moisture.

And due to the fact that they often added reflective, shimmering particles, the curls become energetic brilliance, which winter in large "deficit."

Tricks from stylist:

▪ Do not want long bangs was flat "as in Gogol '? Lift it up at the roots, zaprokinte up and back and then wear a hat. When you remove it, bangs will habitual position, keeping the volume.

▪ If your hair is long, gather them back into a ponytail or a "bagel". The room shall shoot and shake his mane. Pomp and soft waves you provided.

▪ with short hair the least problems. Just keep in your purse mini packaging easy means to styling, and taking off his hat, quickly apply it to the tips of your fingers and beat her hair at the roots.

Do not forget that look good and keep in shape can only healthy, strong hair. And in the winter they have not sweet.

- Sears air central heating - a lot of stress to the hair, especially weakened: it loses moisture and fades, - says Galina Erkova. - Therefore, the winter months - it's time for intensive care, moisturizing and nourishing masks at least once a week.

If your hair is strongly overdried, for example, as a result of "chemistry", it should undertake a course of treatment to restore the structure of hair. Here to help concentrated serum in ampoules or professional rejuvenating mask that offers beauty salons. If you notice that the hair began to fall out, it will help preparations based on the placenta.

- Is it possible to go too far with nutritious means?

- Yes, "overfed" hair looks no better than those who lack care. No need to use actively Shampoo for dry and damaged hair, if your - normal.

For the future you do not "feed", but only spoil the view - there will be no shine, no ease, neither volume. Generally you need to give up buying new products all in a row, and identify the pressing problems of the hair and scalp (and, the second is preferable), and based on this line to select funds for the care and styling. Your hairdresser should help you with this.

Various waxes, creams, as well as any other means superstrong fixation should only be used to create a spectacular holiday styling, but not every day. For everyday use styling tools with an index of fixation "2" maximum "3". They retain the volume and mobility of hairstyles, not "overloading" it.

- Just dyed hair look stunning: bright and silky. It's a pity only that a few days a fashionable color vibrance lost. Is it possible to prolong his "life"?

- Yes, dull and lifeless looking hair inspires sadness, even in the most incorrigible optimist. No styling and haircuts will not be saved if hair color dull, faded, or unfashionable. Color stability after staining depends upon the care program, you will be able to provide it. For example, a properly selected coloring shampoo or conditioner, enriched with pigment inks, during each wash is refreshing shade.

- And what is fashionable today?

- It's easier to say that it is not fashionable. "Helmet" from glued hair - it's not exactly fashionable. The original form of bangs, elongated, mobile, windy - it is fashionable. Feminine bob, bob - smooth or wavy - it is also fashionable. Short haircuts with bold styling - it is, as they say, "squeak". As for color, the relevant natural, natural highlights and play on the hair.

But the main thing is not to blindly pursue fashion. Each person has their own colors, your oval face, hair texture, style of dress. The inner world, in the end! Haircut or color, selected under the influence of fashion or momentum, can not you go. We need to change ourselves, without changing itself, and the task of professional wizard haircuts - to help you with this.

Interviewed Love Petrukhina

Tags: hair, hat, advice, styling, stylist

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