How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina

How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina
 Vaginal muscles perform many different functions, so they often need special training. Such training intimate muscles called vumbildingom. The fact that it is, and what are the exercises for the muscles of the vagina, on the pages tells female Internet - Journal JustLady.

Training the muscles of the vagina

Vumbildingom - a set of classes for intimate muscles. With it successfully treated urinary incontinence, infantilism and laxity intimate muscles and held a good preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery. Exercises in vumbildingom very simple, easy to remember and executed. Consider the most common ones.

Exercises for the muscles of the vagina

Exercise first
Try during urination several times to interrupt and delay urine. This is done via the input vaginal muscles that need to be trained first. Then, (and not just during urination) during the day to be performed about twenty times the activity "compression-hold." We pull a muscle and input with maximum force shrinks. Hold them in such a state of stress of ten seconds. Gradually bringing this time to five minutes. Breathe evenly, do not hold your breath. Do these exercises for the muscles of the vagina sitting, lying and standing. If you execute it just sitting in the supine position, during childbirth, these muscles include the work will be difficult.

The second exercise
This exercise will help us in time of attempts.

For its implementation need to alternately compress the muscles of the anal sphincter muscle and entrance of the vagina. Quickly tighten and very quickly relaxes the sphincter muscles, and then, the same we make with the muscles of the vagina. Doing it for fifteen to twenty times.

Thentraining of muscles of the vagina conducted with breathing exercises simultaneously. This is done as follows: exhale, breath-holding, compressing the muscles of the vagina, breath (vaginal muscles tense). Then exhale and relax them.
Repeat the whole complex activities with sphincter.

The third exercise
Is This exercise for the muscles of the vagina You can also perform during sexual intercourse. To perform this test is necessary to imagine that we have something pushed out of themselves through intimate muscles. By doing this exercise, it is important to see the difference between internal and input muscles. Such a nice charging pleasure for both partners, but to devote spouse in such details is optional.

Can be used for this exercise, "sports equipment" from a specialized sex shop. At first a little hard to feel how muscles work, but with the help of a foreign object is easy to feel. Do begin this exercise with five times a day, with time increasing to fifteen times.

The fourth exercise
Training the abdominal muscles and inner thighs, we are strengthening both intimate muscles.

To become the meeting, putting his hands on the belt. Feet shoulder width apart, toes turned outward. Gradually squat by bending your knees apart. We sat down as low as possible. Linger in that position for ten seconds and slowly rise. Feel as tense and relax your muscles. Do thisexercises for the muscles of the vagina three to seven times.

Such training vaginal muscles may also consist of a separate exercise, but it will be more efficient at carrying out their in the complex.

How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina

How to train the vaginal muscles for successful delivery

We already know what to do to stretch or relax the vaginal muscles. And now we learn that you must be able to regulate them. This will help you understand how to behave properly and do what says maternity midwife during childbirth.

 Pain during labor are worse when vaginal muscles involuntarily tighten, thus creating difficulties for cervical dilatation. Therefore, during labor should try to relax as much as possible and do not strain your muscles. Relaxation reduces pain, shortens the contractions and helps more complete opening of the cervix.

 To reduce the pain always used evasive action, so switching attention to muscle relaxation will not focus on the pain.

It is very dangerous to make an effort at a time when attempts are already beginning, and the fight is not yet over. This period lasts for about five to ten minutes, and at this time can not stretch the sphincter and vaginal muscles, not to tear the cervix. Once the obstetrician will say that you can make an effort, you need to make a sharp deep breath, typing in the maximum amount of air the lungs. And then hold your breath for a few seconds, clenching muscles. On the exhale the air as if to push through the vagina and the maximum opening his muscles. Strain between their vain attempts should not be.
As soon as the baby's head may seem, an obstetrician-gynecologist will ask the woman in childbirth is no longer push or a little push on the team to prevent rupture of the perineum. If you still could not avoid tears, when suturing try not to strain. We will not hurt so much easier and the doctor stitches.

After birth, sometimes the sensitivity of muscle permanently lost. Therefore, the earlier start training the muscles of the vagina, the faster will begin their recovery.
If sensitivity does not appear, please consult your gynecologist. It happens that too rapid births are numerous breaks. And because of the sutures muscle recovery is prolonged.

In any casetraining of muscles of the vagina useful for women's health. And reopened it should, after consulting with your doctor as soon as possible.

Tags: muscle, race, Ambassador, uterus, exercise, exercise, exercise, muscles, Recover, strengthening, vagina hole

How to strengthen the muscles of the vagina
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