Postponement of age

Postponement of age
 Not so long ago it was thought that all the optimists later age, and that age workaholics short. However, scientists (specialists at Stanford University, for decades studied 1,500 people within the "longevity", and many other researchers) have denied it.

As it turned out, all eternally happy, smiling and cheerful people grow old and die earlier rationalists realist. This occurs in part because that cheerfulness often accompanied by carelessness and recklessness, "Lightness of Being" goes hand in hand with the adventures and unjustifiable risk. But life is never absolutely everything is good! Understanding this, persistence and willingness to difficulties are the most useful qualities in the fight against aging.

Family life can be a delay of aging for men - but women married in this respect is not affected. Long youth often provided the stronger sex, consisting in a long-term marriage. Pets and relatives that need attention, life expectancy is not affected, although they can feel better. The main thing for the extension of youth - to be socially active. And yet - more and work longer. For example, the Japanese shock working in the same company from an early age to old age - and the longest in the world maintain health. The average life expectancy in Japan - nearly 83 years at a time, such as in the United States - about 78 years.

Another option delaying age - do not rush! Should act calmly, if anything, and my life - it gradually. That is to set goals and move towards them, slowly but surely. One should not get hung up on the details. It is necessary to act strategically, holistically, body healthy menu and increasing physical activity, as well as looking at life judiciously, philosophically.

By the way, early (up to 40 years), the appearance of gray hair is not associated with a rapid onset of old age. Early graying gene derived from ancestors, does not affect the processes in the body. Only sometimes it may be due to thyroid diseases or disorders develop hair coloring pigment.

Tags: health, youth, postponement, extension, longevity

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