Do not try on the first day to go to the city center. To begin with, practice the technique of driving on a deserted road. You must learn to react quickly to road markings, instantly compare the traffic signs to your next steps. Thinking on the road once. If in doubt, turn on the alarm stop and park the car on the roadside.
The first day is permissible to go in the first row with the included alarm. Road users are obliged to go around you.
Do not attempt to perform complex maneuvers immediately, not overtake, gently change lane in case of emergency. Observe the speed limit of the total flow. As soon as you gain experience, you will be much easier to navigate on the road.
If possible, the first days of leave to the main road with an experienced driver who will accompany you, sitting in the passenger seat and, if necessary, will tell you how to behave in a given situation.
Remember, the perfect driving technique comes as a result of systematic training. Do not despair if the first day on the road you do not get all the way we would like. After the first independent trip may increase your fear. This is quite a normal reaction. Maintain their daily workout. After a few months you will notice that they have become much more confident to drive.
Psychologists have noticed, if a woman has experienced the fear of the first day self-drive car and the next day again got behind the wheel of her get a great driver.