Geography of Pain: painkillers

 There are phenomena that inevitably accompanies our lives. They can be both positive and negative. One is pain. Toothache, headache, or muscle pain can be a real problem if the wrong approach to their treatment. Meanwhile, in different parts of the globe to the question are not the same.

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As part of a large-scale European research developed by the European Forum of Pain (European Pain Forum) in 2008, more than 8, 506 adults were interviewed about their perceptions of pain and Principles of Conduct for the pain in relation to their own health.

Studies have shown that using painkillers, European citizens do not trust the instructions. In most cases, they can decide which treatment regimen to choose. In particular, without being sure of the safety of medicines, Europeans prefer smaller dosage and frequency of application.

National sign

Belgium is characterized by high care - 54% of people with back pain and 20% of headaches are using drugs with less than the recommended frequency. 45% of French people believe that regular use of drugs against pain leads to the development of the body's resistance with respect to this feature. A 58% take pain medication only in exceptional cases.

Russian people are the least confident in the safety of painkillers - only 15% of them rely on such medicines. Buying medication, 34% of Russians orinetiruyutsya only on their own experience, not on the recommendation of a pharmacist.

In search of truth

Summarizing the findings, it should be recognized that the majority of people are either misinformed or insufficiently instructed in the adoption of painkillers. That is why the European Forum Pain decided to debunk the main myths associated with anesthetics.

So, you should know that:

- If you follow the instructions, funds used for everyday pain relief are not dangerous;

- The active ingredient ibuprofen is widely used for over thirty years without serious complications to your health.Painkillers based on it, such as Nurofen, are considered among the safest and most effective means of facilitating the daily pain;

- The human body is not able to develop resistance to any of the well-known painkillers sold without a prescription;

- Addictive produced only those means which belong to the type of opioid (these analgesics are addictive and dependence, which leads to an increase in their doses). You can not get used to the usual painkillers containing ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin.

Expert and a regular participant of the European Forum on pain, neurologist, head of specialized neurological department, MD, Professor Sharov, MN, gave the following explanation: "Analgesic, in particular, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, have been thoroughly inspection and effectively used by millions of people.

This is an importantstudy showsThat there is a clear need to re-confirm the safety of people use these drugs.

Whatever the beliefs of the people - it does not receive these obezbolevayuschih deprived of any reason, and with the appearance of pain can be absolutely safe to take in accordance with the instructions.

Obtaining this information is an essential step in breaking down the wrong stereotyping issues around pain management. "

Tags: prescription drug, Geography

Geography of Pain: painkillers
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