How are the stone therapy sessions? To begin with the doctor must diagnose on the basis of analyzes and general inspection. If necessary, it assigns the treatment, which usually does not exceed 10 sessions. When a patient comes to the session, his body is prepared using special oils and gentle massage hands. Then, depending on the patient's diagnosis or receiving a massage heated stones or the stones are arranged on the sore spots. In the first case, one session may last for 20-25 min., In the second - to 1 hour.
Modern stone therapy involves the use of porous volcanic stones. Widely used basalt, jasper, jade. It is noteworthy that for massage select only those stones that have become smooth in its natural environment. Before each run are heated in ovens to a temperature of about 45 degrees. However, some minerals opposite cooled to zero or below, to apply the technique of a combined treatment.
Stone therapy has and contraindications, for example, it can not be used during pregnancy as well as during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, hypertension, skin diseases. Not to hurt yourself as a self-doctors recommend limited only by applying the palms to the warm stones to calm down in times of stress. In other cases, refer to the proven specialist who will provide professional treatment.