How to tighten the facial contour

How to tighten the facial contour
 Every woman, no matter how much it may be years, always wants her face hit others with their beauty, and she did not have loose skin on the cheeks, eyelids and under the eyes. However, with the passage of time in the skin structural changes. Facial muscles lose their former elasticity and fit, there is a violation of water-lipid balance of the cell. Naturally, the shape of the woman suffering from these factors.  
 Age-related changes in appearance can be slowed down properly facials, massages, exercises for face contour and other methods. Make a clearer facial contours will help special creams, serums and masks. Currently sold a lot of cosmetics designed to care for mature skin. These products include vitamin and mineral ingredients that nourish the skin with essential substances to her, pulling her, making it more supple and beautiful.

To enhance their impact on the skin, to be applied a series of cosmetic products, because they complement each other's effect. However, the result of use of funds for skin care does not deteriorate, it is necessary from time to time to replace the other. Skin requires proper care. It needs the morning and evening cleansing, nutrition and hydration.

After sleeping in the evening or good use for cleansing cosmetic piece of ice to charge it with energy and increase muscle elasticity. This ice can be made independently by freezing broths useful herbs. If prepared, for example, ice green tea can be used to improve skin tone. Tones, tightens and rejuvenates the skin of any type of ice and diluted with water lemon juice or mint broth.

Make the face more toned and exercises can help to face contour. Need much to inflate the cheeks, while keeping the mouth closed, then firmly press on them with his hands. This exercise is a few seconds, then you can relax a bit and continue. Regular performance of the exercises over time will make the skin more elastic.

Sagging cheeks and chin also need special exercises. To pull the lips in the form of the letter "o", firmly pressing the tongue against the cheek. Followed by massaging the inner surface of the tongue cheek. After 20 massaged language moves to the other cheek and repeats the movement there. You also need to pronounce the vowel sounds with enhanced articulation lips. Even a couple of minutes of this exercise a day will give a good result.

Strengthen facial muscles and laughter helps, because it uses about 80 muscle groups. Laughter improves muscle tone and makes the skin smoother. By smiles not only improves the appearance of women, but also the mood.
If independently make the skin more toned fails, it can be fixed with the help of plastic surgery. Make all facial plastic loop or cheeks, chin and eyelids separately. Surgery is recommended if skin cells observed reduced levels of collagen. It should be borne in mind that in a few years will have to be repeated plastic. As with any surgery, plastic surgery have a number of contraindications.

Tags: face, arm, jaw, exercise, circuit

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