Monosaccharides (simple carbohydrate compounds) is rapidly absorbed by the body, providing a powerful, but short-term energy boost. At the same time there is an increase in blood glucose levels. And if the energy produced is not a man spent immediately, the excess sugar is converted to fat.
In the splitting of complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), the body uses a different mechanism. For processing internal organs requires quite a long time. Polysaccharide molecules are separated first, turning into simple carbohydrates, and only then converted into energy. Sugar level thus remains stable and is retained within safe for health. Complex carbohydrates provide the person's total energy, which is enough for vigorous activity during the day.
Polysaccharides include starch, cellulose, glycogen and others. In the gastrointestinal tract of a starch is reacted with the internal fluids. Under the influence of water, it is transformed into a simple carbohydrate - glucose. The latter is easily absorbed by the body.
Cellulose (fiber) is a fiber. In most mammals, which include people no enzymes capable of cleaving the polysaccharide completely. Nevertheless, fiber is very useful. Hard fiber moving through the intestines, clean it of toxins and eliminate constipation.
Glycogen is often called the "spare" carbohydrates. It is formed and accumulates glucose residues in muscle and liver cells. Energy supply, enclosed in glycogen, if necessary, is used to replenish the body. He mobilized in the event of a sharp drop in blood glucose. Special enzymes cleave glycogen to simple carbohydrates restoring safe glycemic control.
The main "warehousing" of complex carbs are legumes (except soy), brown rice, wheat, barley, oats, corn, bread from wheat flour, potatoes, carrots, pasta from durum wheat, bran and others. Dishes of these products will charge the body with energy, but will not cause harm and will not add extra pounds. That complex carbohydrates need to give preference to the formation of the daily diet.