Tasty and low-calorie foods

Tasty and low-calorie foods
 Nutrition support human life by providing them with the necessary materials. It should be well balanced to bring only benefits, without causing harm to health. People who are watching their weight, usually have a list of low-calorie foods, and have chosen for themselves the best diet. Others simply can not decide on a diet because they believe that healthy food taste good.  
 The most nutritious low-calorie foods - protein. That they are also delicious, you need when cooking one to use spices, herbs, berries, fruits and vegetables. For example, in yogurt can add dried fruit. Turkey breast and chicken, seafood, white fish, cottage cheese, tofu, egg whites, yogurt accelerate metabolism and permanently saturated.

Fresh and frozen vegetables, fruits and berries contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. They are delicious and very useful. For example, red grapes, pomegranates, red cabbage, salad greens, tomatoes, red onions, spinach help fight premature aging. The withdrawal of excess liquid and remove edema: celery, basil, cucumbers, parsley, dill, tarragon. Get rid of hunger pangs and speed up metabolism: cabbage, stewed mushrooms, celery, berries, apples, grapefruit, oranges, pineapples.

On a side dish to chicken breast for example, can take a delicious and low-calorie cherry tomatoes. Of egg whites will fine breakfast, if you add to them fresh vegetables and tomato sauce. Delicious shrimp on average contain only 8 calories. Use more cucumbers for salads, they help to cope with flatulence.

Popular popcorn can be a low-calorie, if you do not add a lot of salt and butter. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese corn and cook in the microwave. Tart taste of grapefruit pleases you all year round, this fruit is rich in fiber, digesting that a person spends a few dozen calories.

If there is a desire to eat something tasty, you can make a dessert of any frozen berries with cream cheese or yogurt. During the season, use an abundance of melons and lean on melons and watermelons. Couple of spoons of high energy, but necessary for beauty vegetable oil will not harm your figure and only heal the body. Pamper yourself sometimes bitter chocolate, it is very rich in antioxidants and has a psychotherapeutic effect, since it allows to forget that there is something you are depriving yourself.

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