Cheer up tea with jasmine
Ohbenefits tea has long been known much. The leaves of this wonderful drink caffeine and tannin, which invigorate and stimulate the human metabolic processes in the body. Tea is not addictive, as the nervous system gently but effectively. Caffeine banishes sleep, reduces fatigue, stimulates the internal organs. Moreover, recent medical studies have shown that caffeine has beneficial effects on the process of burning calories for moderate physical activity it helps to process body fat into fuel for muscles, thereby increasing their endurance.Tea with Jasmine can be of two types - black and green, but before you talk about its medicinal properties, let's take a closer look to this royal flower.
His Majesty Jasmine
Jasmine great clear coat, unusual flower, with a sweet, memorable scent. Brought to Europe in the Middle Ages NEGOTIANT travelers, jasmine immediately gained popularity with its unique flavor. Essential oils derived from the flowers of this oriental shrub, raise the tone, relieve muscle tension and effectively used to relieve stress.
Furthermore,jasmine considered excellent to possess aphrodisiac quality, relieves women of frigidity and men gives strength and endurance in the romantic adventures. No wonder the medieval beauty adorned their hairstyles jasmine flowers - they knew about his magical ability to attract men.
France, widely regarded as a major expert in the field of flavors, immediately gave jasmine palm. Its odor is difficult to confuse with another, it gives any kind of fragrance veil of mystery and unpredictable provocation.
Jasmine as an additive to the tea used in the East for a long time. Connoisseurs of all natural and aesthetically pleasing, the Chinese immediately realized the healing power of the flower and tea were different compositions can reveal and highlight the exquisite flavor of a small, but such a fragrant plants. Productiontea with jasmine has its own characteristics, they are strictly followed by tea masters of China.
Technology of production of tea with jasmine
FlowersJasmine collected during the hottest time of the year when the concentration of aromatic substances in them reaches the limit. This occurs early in the morning until the flowers are not dried up in the scorching sun and lost some of its flavor.
There are two ways of impregnating tea jasmine odor. In the first case, the tea leaves are mixed with flowers and leaves in the sun for a day. The second case involves storage floral-tea blend for a hundred days in a cool place. The tea leaves are soaked jasmine scent, then removed from the mixture of flowers and tea leaves are sorted by size.
Some exclusive varietiestea with jasmine are displayed on packages directly with flowers. True gourmets know amazing feature of this tea: through the transparent glass teapot can be observed as under the influence of hot water jasmine flowers open and alive, taking its original appearance.
The benefits of tea with jasmine
Jasmine tea is produced in many countries and is popular throughout the world. Jasmine flowers do not drown itself tea aroma, they give it elegance and refinement, interspersed with his depth. Tea Party is able to not only get rid of a bad mood and fatigue, quality tea helps to cure many diseases.Jasmine tea, the use of which is no longer questioned, rich in vitamins and minerals, it activates the metabolism, stimulates the brain and strengthens blood vessels. Jasmine tea cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and breaks down subcutaneous fat, making your figure slim and skin healthy and smooth.
When buyingtea with jasmine pay attention to its content. Will benefit only natural tea produced in compliance with all technologies, which we described above. In such a case shall contain small fragments of jasmine flowers, they are evidence of the authenticity of tea beverage. Can try to create a "designer" tea: Take 4 pieces of your favorite tea, green or black, mixed with 1 part jasmine. Pour the boiling water, let stand 5 minutes. Healthy drink with royal colors ready - drink to your health!
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady