In the category Fitness: wasp waist
What lies behind the concept of fruit? Basicallycontained in fruits vitamins micronutrient fruit sugar, valuable gluten, acid and certain enzymes starch. Usefulness of fruit for the human body is certainly undeniable. They help us to enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements, cleanse the body of slag deposits, improve digestion and overall health. Fruits are used in cosmetics as well as the lifeblood for our body.
But what to say about dietary programs that help us to maintain a normal figure. I note that many nutritionists have dramatically changed their opinionthe effectiveness of fruit diets. This is because a lot of fruits are not health foods, but rather to help you gain extra pounds.
Advertised watermelon diet has also its contradictions. Of course, watermelon contains vitamins and minerals, as well as a diuretic, that weight loss is not unimportant. And what's the BUT, you ask. Watermelon brings the body with excess water, but not fat! So that by the watermelon diet, add a couple of hours of classes in the fitness center, multiplied by three times a week.
But what fruit can contribute to weight loss? There are some rules that must be selected dietary fruit.Green fruit speaks for itself - I diet! When there is a choice, choose what apples yellow, red or green, you need to choose green. The principle of a traffic light: red and yellow - simple and green - go. All this rhetoric, but the fact is that the increased amount of sweet fruit fruit sugar, which has a negative impact on your figure. So the first choice is for the sour fruit.
Also, you will benefit nedospevshie or sour-sweet fruit. Are dietaryberriesIn which a minimum of calories and maximum benefit to the organism as a whole. If you do, fruit and berry mix, then put less sweet fruit. Then the result will not make you wait long.
To speed up the process of losing weight, it is also necessary to engage in physical exercises, which in addition to the withdrawal of excess water from the body, burns subcutaneous fat. Just drink in the day about a half liters of green tea, which also contributes to weight loss.
Choose fruit that is half the battle, you need to know more,when and how to eat a variety of fruits. Fruits with increased starch content (for example melon) need not eat before 2:00 after receiving basic food. This will prevent fermentation in the stomach, as they are digested in the intestines and fermented on the way there.
Pear is heavy for digestion fruit. It is necessary to eat within 30 minutes after a meal and wash down with water eaten. The physiological reaction to a variety of fruit each may be different. If the acidity in the body is high, do not raise it more, especially before eating. But who on the contrary, it is recommended to eat a handful of berries before eating. The optimal option to eat fruit - it 30 minutes before eating or 2-3 hours after.
Using my advice, you imperceptibly become slim and gain cheerfulness of fruit menu. Especially because fruits in summer abundant and prices are not too high.
Tatiana Skliarenko
Women's magazine JustLady