You can not afford time to time to drink low-fat yogurt, but do not overdo it.
Dangerous than fat-free products
It would seem that they are specially created to support the health of the person ... But have you ever thought about how can support health product that is stored for several months? Of course, the media still continue, and continue to stuff us with information that the use of fatty foods - it's too bad that you need to forget about it once and for all, but is it really?
Fats are essential for our body, that he was a normal metabolism. Did you know that the human brain - a fat-like substance. Fat - a source of mechanical protection and thermal insulation of the whole organism. Fatty acids increase the elasticity and reduce the permeability of blood vessel walls. Lecithin - a fat-like substance when it binds to the protein, the cell membranes are formed, and it is contained in a vegetable oil, fat, herring, eggs. Should not be excluded from the diet of fatty foods. But if you will constantly usefat-free products, Can earn a metabolic disorder, and from this the amount of fat in your body will only increase.
Scientists believe that the current fat intake should be at least 30% of the food that a person consumes in a day. There are several types of fats.
Monounsaturated fats. They are useful to the body with a small hand. They are found in most nuts, olives, olive oil. Their use leads to the fact that in the body decreases and increases the level of bad good cholesterol. They help reduce the risk of breast cancer.
-Polyunsaturated fats are also useful for a small hand. A large number of these fats contained in any oily fish, green vegetables. These fats prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Enough to eat fish three times a week to cholesterol was normal.
- Frequent and immoderate usesaturated fats harmful to the body and may lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- It is also harmful to the bodyhydrogenated fats. They are created by artificial means, and they are very similar in effect on saturated fats. Contained in the so-called "soft butter" and margarine.
Than products with a fat content better fat-free products?
1. Fats help the body maintain a sense of saturation.
2. It is known that fats help control insulin (it is necessary to know those who are sick with diabetes).
3. If you refuse from eating fatty foods, then over time the body burn fat unlearn.
Remember, please, one rule regardingfat-free products: Where clean one ingredient - always add another. If the fat will be removed from the product, and they will be called "defatted" means that they add various flavorings and sweeteners, trans-fats, sugar and starch. Very often, when a product is reduced fat, calorie it can grow. Here is a simple example. Did you know that fat yogurt with 2, 8% fat, is 13, 7 units of carbohydrates, and yogurt 3, 5% fat - 6, 3 units of carbohydrates. Calorie fat and nonfat yogurt little different. Onlyuseful food may be only natural.
Nowadays, unfortunately, do not sell products, and brands. Have you ever thought about what it means to the product name "easy"? "Light" compared to what? With the moon or can with a brick? Who writes the manufacturer on the package, anything, just to attract the attention of consumers. Buying a product is good to study composition. Although it does not help. There are so-called "25% rule". It means that the producer mandatory on the label shall indicate only those ingredients that part of the product which is 25% of the whole. And imagine what else is a part offat-free products!
You can easily fall into the trap that you putfat-free products. Often people think that if the food is degreased, then it can be consumed in unlimited quantities. And, ultimately consume more calories than they need. Many sat on the low-fat diet, and noticed that they were by no means devoid helps get rid of the weight of such a system power.
Advertising - the motor trade. Seeing advertisements on television that a particular product is low in cholesterol, we will buy it. Because we know that cholesterol contributes to many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attack, a stroke. But we do not think, and due to which the manufacturer reduces cholesterol? This is due to the fact that the product is reduced good cholesterol. And it was he and protects against heart attacks and heart attacks. But the bad cholesterol infat-free products remains in large quantities. Instead of a low-fat diet is best once a week to arrange a fasting days. It's definitely not cause any harm to your body, but on the contrary, would be helpful.
Children are strictly forbiddenfat-free products! Child shortfall of fats may lead to the fact that the body will experience a shortage of essential fatty acids, as they are necessary for the proper development of children. For variety you can have occasional child low-fat yogurt, but it should be no earlier than he was 7 years old. US scientists have conducted studies and found that the use offat-free products leads to severe vitamin E deficiency in children aged 2-5 years, almost 70%.
If the child has obvious problems with being overweight, it is not worth it to stufffat-free products. It is better to limit it to the sweet. After all, sugar is one of the main culprits in weight gain. Children like all sweet, and it is for this product with the sugar they consume several times more than fat. That's just sweetness and are a major source of childhood obesity.
Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady