The best time of day for sports

The best time of day for sports
 Build a personal training schedule is necessary, given the characteristics of jet lag. So you can do the exercises and feel just burst of cheerfulness without feeling fatigue.
 Sport activities can be carried out at any time, guided by the inner feelings. In the morning, difficult to carry out difficult exercise, otherwise you expose yourself to too much stress. In the afternoon and evening, your tone is at the maximum of its possibilities, to reset the accumulated tension will be easier doing in the gym.

Find out experimentally, what time of day are most effective sports. It depends on the individual.
If your fatigue is associated with high concentration of attention during the day, for example, work related to mental work, exercise in the evenings. So you can not only change the shape, but also to get rid of all the stress. People engaged in physical labor, should conduct classes in the morning.

In the morning, the body temperature is lowered, so you can get a sprain or injury due to strenuous exercise. From 10.00 - 12.00 marked surge of adrenaline that helps to focus. For example, for intelligent sports: karate, Taekwondo, golf. From 14.00 - 15.00 activity is zero, so put your workout. From 15.00 - 16.00 muscles in the best shape, can do with dumbbells or a barbell without much effort. From 16.00 - 19.00 body is ready for high loads: running, aerobics. From 20.00 - 22.00 the body temperature drops, there is almost no energy. Exercise when you do not care, there is a desire and opportunity.

The concepts of "owl" and "early bird" allow human weakness attributed to osobennno body. So you subconsciously decide when it's easier to put a strain. Hence the division into "bird" biotypes.

Do owls 3 peaks of activity: 13.00-14.00, 18.00-20.00 and 23.00-01.00. They find it difficult to wake up early, it is better to give up a hearty breakfast and fitness training. Active exercise useful in the period from 14.00 to 19.00. But to 21.00 charge your activity will come "out", just intense exercise plan for the weekend. Lark need to perform strength exercises from 6.00 to 7.00, from 16.00 to 19.00 and to do pilates, dancing or roller skating.

Define a "circadian maximum" - the highest value in body temperature for 24 hours. Record your performance, ranging from plus 1, 5 to minus 1, 5 ° C, every three hours for five to six days. Make a training schedule that they begin three hours before or after your "circadian peak."

Tags: exercise, sports, gymnastics, day, time,