How to set yourself up for competition

How to set yourself up for competition
 For an athlete at any level, regardless of their experience, the competition can be a serious challenge, both physical and psychological. In order to come up with the best possible result for you, use a series of recommendations that will help you set up properly.
 Setting the competition should start long before the day on which they pass. In fact, the setting takes place at the time when you start to prepare for them. The main problem that you have to put in front of you - confidence in their own abilities. Emotions that arise before the competition, either directly during them - a sign of your lack of confidence. To doubt their ability naturally to humans, but in those moments of doubt are just a nuisance.

During training, during which you are preparing for a competition, gradually starts to twist around one and the same state. This condition is the absence of any extraneous thoughts that are not related to the achievement of victory, and in the case of training - do not contribute to their implementation. Gradually get used to think so, that since the beginning of the exercise for the entire world around you ceases to exist. There is only a shell, a job, an exercise that you need to perform. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts and emotions. Turn off the mobile phone and is completely isolated from the surrounding stimuli. If you are a distraction is sound, use the music to your liking to drown him.

A couple of weeks before the event start to work out the release of controlled aggression, the energy from which you will use to get a "second wind". Aggression, accompanied by the release of adrenaline, is one of the most powerful emotions, and this explains its use. Your main task - to isolate its destructive part, and use only the energy that it gives. Learn to "overclock" themselves, gradually reducing the time it takes from the start and emotions to the point where it scores peak condition. This will be the easiest for people with a temper. It is important not to use adrenaline, not only for temporary gain performance of the body, but also to speed up your mind. For example, if you are doing combat sports, the splash of adrenaline when you do not have to turn into a windmill, randomly Thrash hands. You must continue to think, and think faster than originally thought in the quiescent state.

The key to the psychological preparation for the competition lies in the development of self confidence, isolation from external stimuli unrelated to the competition, as well as iron calm, in a short period of a removable outbursts of aggression and immediately stabilizes. Learn how to use all these tools, you'll be ready for any type of event.

Tags: setting, competition