Fitness in the New Year holidays

Fitness in the New Year holidays
 New Year's fireworks died down, eating the last of salads and sweets of sweet gifts. Libra stand alone in the pantry, evening dress, for which you lose weight a few months and pace yourself workouts, abandoned in a corner cabinet. Obviously, it's time to pull together and get back to regular training.
 How to survive the New Year's holiday, without compromising the health and waistline? Only one answer - you need to be able to stop in time. It's hard to resist the scope with which the whole country is celebrating the most important holiday, but to try. Start with food.

Eliminate or at least reduce the amount of fat and flour foods, alcohol and sweets. Arrange fasting day on yogurt or green tea - you physically feel the lightness throughout the body after a short rest on the feasts.

Not persuade myself again with a fitness center, just get up and do it. Make a training plan for the New Year holidays - will be easier to deal with, if you know that, for example, are working on the buttocks, and tomorrow on the press.

Focuses on cardio, if absolutely no power to make any specific complexes on particular muscle groups. But do not rush to extremes - do not sit on a brutal diet and do not exercise to exhaustion.

New Year holidays as an opportunity to use to spend more time outdoors - go to the park on a ski trip or a night at the rink. After heavy feasts helpful to go to the bath for the speedy withdrawal of toxins from the body.

For small home workouts take some of the most effective exercises from the usual complex, practice without overextending and pleasure. Here is a sample set of light exercise, which will lead into shape after prolonged holidays. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Slowly squat and straight. Repeat 10-20 times. Now imagine that you go skiing: jumping throw forward at the same time his right hand - his left foot and vice versa. Repeat 20 times.

Lie down on your back and lift your upper body without lifting your lower back off the floor. Do two sets of 20 times. This can finish, but do not forget to stretch. Lying on your back, pull up to your chest bent knees and hold this position for 10 seconds. Now straighten and stretch. After this exercise, it is desirable to go out and walk at a brisk pace for 15-20 minutes.

To easily get out of the festive dead loop, change your attitude to the New Year holidays. It's time to communicate with loved ones, to work on the figure flaws, for long walks in the winter forest, hiking to museums and to the rink.

Get rid of the habit of cooking a lot of unwholesome calorie food - cook familiar dishes, be sure to eat breakfast while visiting eat moderately. Try not to eat at night and go during - circles and bags under the eyes nobody decorate. Remember, the holidays are over, but those extra pounds will remain.

Tags: shape, celebration, year, Ambassador, new, fitness, workout