How to whiten white shirt

How to whiten white shirt
 Despite the changes in the major fashion trends, white shirt remains popular. In addition to office workers, it is an integral part of the working wardrobe. But after a few washes white shirt loses.
 Return the white shirt can be using oxygen bleach. Pour into a basin of hot water, add bleach and soak the clothes for the night. In the morning, rinse thoroughly under running water. Put the shirt in the washing machine drum, set corresponding to the type of fabric. Add the detergent compartment for bleach to be machine washed. To maintain the whiteness of the shirt, use a special powder for white things.

Soak the garment in warm water with a few tablespoons of ammonia. Leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse in plenty of water and wash as usual.

If the shirt is very dirty, prepare the following solution. In bowl pour hot water, add 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, a handful of washing powder and 5 tablespoons of salt. All Stir and soak the shirt in the resulting solution for 1 hour.

Hydrogen peroxide has bleaching properties. In a few liters of water dissolve 3 tablespoons of peroxide and a teaspoon of soda ash. Soak the shirt in the resulting solution for 30-40 minutes. After this time, rinse and wash in warm soapy water.

In a large bucket, pour hot water, add 100 g of detergent and a small amount of potassium permanganate so as to obtain a pale pink solution. Soak the pre-wash a shirt and cover with cling film or a bucket lid. When the liquid has cooled, remove the product and rinse in plenty of water.

In addition, you can whiten your shirt old folk method - boiling. In a large pot or bucket, pour water, dissolve a handful of washing powder for hand washing and immerse shirt. Place a container on fire and bring to a boil. After a 30 to 40 minutes, remove the clothing and rinse under running water. It is important to consider one thing that frequent boiling lead to rapid deterioration of the fabric.

Tags: shirt, white, white