How to whiten gray 'things

How to whiten gray 'things
 White things do not go out of fashion. They give the image of freshness and sexuality. Girl dressed in white stuff, will not go unnoticed. But over time, clothes soiled and loses the original whiteness. Return things attractive appearance can be at home, using folk and modern facilities.
 Clothing made of cotton and linen fabrics can be bleached as follows. Before washing, soak things in water with a few tablespoons of ammonia and turpentine. Leave for 1-2 hours, rinse in running water and wash in the washing machine with a powder for white things. This way you can whiten even heavily contaminated clothing.

Things from the tissues, require special care, soak aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide - 2 tablespoons of peroxide for 12 liters of water. You can add a few tablespoons of ammonia. After 20-30 minutes, wash clothing in large quantities of water. Put things in the washing machine drum, set the appropriate mode and add detergent.

In a large bucket, pour hot water, dissolve a handful of washing powder for hand washing, 5 tablespoons salt, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of ammonia. Put clothes in a container, cover with a lid or plastic wrap. When the solution has cooled, remove clothes, rinse under running water, wring out and dry.

Whiten 'gray wardrobe items can be boiling. In a saucepan or large bucket, pour clean water, dissolve the detergent for hand washing and immerse things. Place a container on fire and bring to a boil. After 30-40 minutes, turn off the stove and remove the clothes. Rinse under running water and wring out. Should avoid bleach things this way - the fabric can quickly dilapidated.

Return the original whiteness of things you can with the help of modern tools. In bowl pour hot water, add oxygen bleach and soak the clothes for the night. In the morning, rinse with plenty of water and wash as usual. Before using this or that domestic funds carefully read the instructions and label on the product.

Tags: thing, white, white