How to sew shoes

How to sew shoes
 Spoiled shoes, and the ability or the time to get to the shoe repair shop is missing. To save your favorite boots or shoes and prolong their life, take the repairs themselves. The more that is necessary for this inventory is made from scrap materials.  
 To repair the upper part of the shoe will need a homemade hook. Make it out of thick machine needle, needle files SPLIT ear or diamond saw blades. Fasten the hook in the handle. To repair the bottom of the shoes need thick boot-hooks and sewing different configuration and thickness.

Some points in the repair requires the use of shoe needles. They are made of the thinnest string balalaika, which solder lead-tin solder. Auxiliary materials used in repair, can be attributed shestislozhnye durable, nylon and special linen threads (waxed thread). To use the shoe rubbing waxed thread pitch.

If sold seam top of the shoe, remove the defect using a conventional needle and thread. Replacing torn and worn threads, use the existing holes. Pass suture in one direction, and then - in reverse. To thread a long time has not been wear, rub her cobbler pitch or beeswax.

What if the damaged area is not easily to handle conventional needle? Use special hook for sewing. If necessary, increase the hole with an awl, and enter the hook out. Throw it inside the thread and pull one end out. Then enter the hook into the next hole and plant in a thread, print it out in a loop. End of the outer strands send in the loop and tighten the stitch. Likewise, follow the seam to the end.

In the case of rupture of the top shoe adjacent to the rubber sole, remove it with a flat screwdriver. Clean all of the dirt and degrease gasoline. Make the patch. It should go inside and upstairs to 15 cm. In the place where it is planned to mount, remove the thin layer of skin or sand the needle files. Fat-free patch and the space between the top and the sole promazhte glue and by joining together two days soak under pressure.

Tags: hook, shoes, boots, boots