How to sew a skirt of jeans

How to sew a skirt of jeans
 If you no longer like your jeans, or for any reason you can not wear them anymore (you lost weight or recovered), you can easily convert them into a skirt. In this case, you do not need to have special skills of sewing.
 First, you need to rip jeans at the seams and cut off the leg, as high as possible. You'll continue to work with the trouser leg. They should be washed, dried and ironed.

Jeans - quite dense material, and the skirt with elastic at the waist - not the best option, it will be too rough, bulky and not very accurate. However, if the denim fabric from which you are going to make a skirt, rather thin, it can turn out quite nice and convenient thing.

In this case, you will sostrochit trouser legs and double elastic at the waist. If the material is missing (for example, it was flared from the hip, wide jeans, and the length of your small items), you can afford a slightly flared skirt - in this case, the shape of each piece of the former trouser leg to be wedge-shaped as possible. If the material is not enough, you can add a colored cotton, corduroy or denim (different color) wedges - and then flared skirt your future can be quite decent.

If the material is tight and you want to make a skirt with a zipper, you will need pattern. For those who have never experienced with building patterns, its creation may cause certain difficulties, and often cool creative fervor. The simpler way. Take your skirt on a cut reminiscent of the one that you are going to sew. Applying it to the cut jeans, very carefully and accurately as possible to trace its seams sharpened piece of old soap. You will have a semblance of a pattern. Leave seam allowances - if possible, more(3-4 cm).

When you measure the trained product, most likely, it will not sit perfectly. Defects have to be corrected by means of pins. Ideal would be if you ask her friend to help you, and look from the outside, sitting as a product - in order to avoid deficiencies.

Do not forget to check the length and width of the same parts, the distance from the middle to the side seams, etc.

Sew belt on denim skirt not necessarily. In the presence of processed overlock or zigzag edges enough to make a single hem - after pristrachivaniya lightning.

Do not forget about the decor skirt - leather laces, lace, metal jewelry, etc. - They can really blend in with the style of your new clothes. But do not overdo it - it's better right idea come to you later, because you can improve your work of art for a long time, getting enormous pleasure from it.

Tags: jeans, skirt, fabric, jeans rivet