How to make boots from slipping

How to make boots from slipping
 With the approach of winter weather women think they will walk on snow and ice surfaces in their boots. In the shoes with smooth soles to walk down the street in a strong ice-covered ground is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. How to make boots from slipping?
 When buying shoes immediately pay attention to their bottom. Choose boots with grooved soles. Not necessarily that it was a relief track tractor, drawing shallow enough (1-2 mm). Run your hand along the base if it does not slip on the hand, then on the ice, you'll feel confident. If at this point you do not buy shoes, then use some recommendations on how to make last year's boots are not slippery.

Contact a good shoemaker. There you will be able to make prevention sole Paste the corrugated thin piece of rubber, which does not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the shoe.

Take the old boots or a piece of felt. Cut out a semi-circular pieces. With the help of glue or nails fasten the felt on the toe and heel of the boot. To minimize slip stick felt small pieces. You will be able to walk even on pure ice.

Spend sandpaper on soled boots that do not slip on the ice. This method is easy and does not require huge expenses, but short-lived, as have to do it all the time, before each exit to the street. You can glue a piece of sandpaper on the sole of the boot (it is better to take it on the basis of tissue).

Buy a shoe store or a special silicone rubber pads for soles. They are very easy to operate because removable. They can be easily put on and remove, when necessary. However, they did not spoil the look of boots.

Wash sole, dry, degrease with acetone. Apply a thin layer of waterproof glue "Moment". On top of him pour the sand. Can walk on the ice, but from time to time, repeat the procedure, as the sand often showered.

Use another popular method. Ignite an old nylon stocking and drip onto the sole of the boot of the molten mass. After cooling down, turn out a sort of spikes, which are completely harmless to the sole.

Tags: shoes, boots, slip