How to clean a mink coat at home

How to clean a mink coat at home
 During prolonged wear mink coats lose their attractive appearance and polluted. To bring the fur in order, use care recommendations.
 Mink coat can be cleaned with warm soapy water. Pour into a bowl and add water shampoo or other mild detergent. Dampen a sponge or cloth and the fur. Can be cleaned differently. Put on the teeth of a comb wet cotton swabs and comb the fur.

In a pet store buy hardwood sawdust. Put them in a bowl and moisten with unleaded petrol. Then sprinkle coat wet sawdust. Take the brush and rub vigorously.

Clear coat potato starch. It effectively removes dirt without damaging the pile. Spread a coat on a flat surface and sprinkle starch. Then rub your hands and shake powder. If he has acquired a dark gray color, repeat the procedure again.

At home, you can clean the mink coat gruel. Cook it in 1 tablespoon semolina and 1 cup milk. Apply an even layer on the skin and leave for the night. After this time, the pile comb-toothed comb and carefully knock.

If the light is yellow coat, use hydrogen peroxide. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray on the pile. Hang the product on a hanger and dry at room temperature.

Stains from foundation and lipstick are removed with rubbing alcohol. Moisten a cotton pad in a solvent and gently remove dirt. Grease stains can be derived gruel of refined gasoline and potato starch.

If mink coat heavily covered with dust, on a flat surface, spread wet white sheet. Then put the fur pile down. Take the rod, and carefully knock coat. Hang it on a hanger and let dry. Comb the pile comb with a few teeth.

Keep a mink coat in a spacious closet and in any case not pack it in a plastic bag to prevent mold growth.

Tags: spot, pets, condition, coat