How to carry leather shoes

How to carry leather shoes
 Just bought beautiful and fashionable leather shoes, shoes or boots all good, except for one nasty "stuff" - new shoes often presses and rubs his feet. How to carry leather shoes and "put" her leg?

Carry leather shoes can be with special tools for stretching. Sprays and foams raznashivaniya shoes are produced by many companies and sold in shoe stores (in the same department where the laces, shoe-cleaning, etc.).

To carry leather shoes, it is necessary to sprinkle their vehicle outside (sometimes you can and inside), wait a few minutes to remedy absorbed - and put on a still wet shoes (preferably sock). Then, just like in the new shoes in the apartment about an hour. In the first minutes will feel uncomfortable - but it will soon pass. If shoes or boots in some places much too tight - you can repeat this procedure the next day. But in most cases unable to carry shoes for once.

If you have to, "the publication" and shoes should be "put on the leg" immediately, and stretching spray at hand was not - you can use the old "popular" means. Moisten with vodka or cologne shoes and dress still wet "prospirtovannye" shoes on his feet.

In a pinch, you can even do without cologne, moistened with water shoes - wet skin stretches and takes the desired shape much faster dry. But in any case, do not remove the shoes until they are dry: otherwise the skin can ssohnutsya and shoes will reap much more.

If you carry shoes at home does not work (most often this trouble happens with high boots with a narrow leg), you can seek the assistance of experts from the shoe repair shop. Most artists have special equipment that allows quite stretch too bottlenecks your new boots or shoes.

Tags: shoes, boots, shoes, leather, raznashivanie