The benefits of apple juice

The benefits of apple juice
 Apples - a very common fruit in Russia. As they were being taken from near and far abroad. There are many varieties and hybrids of apples that will please the most demanding lovers of this fruit. Applesauce and juice must be included in the diet of young children. A fresh juices are a great source of fluid, minerals and vitamins.

The juice can be prepared even by hand, rubbed on a plastic grater some apples and squeeze through cheesecloth thus obtained puree. The longer the juice stays in contact with the air, the more it loses its beneficial properties. And in pasteurized juice in general use may be much smaller than harm. The fact that the normalized sugar factory juices and citric acid, that the power diabetics contraindicated.

In apple juice is present all the same useful that is found in apples. This and a variety of vitamins - A, E, PP, B and C, and trace elements. From microelements dominated organic salts of iron. They are needed for the circulatory system. Present in smaller quantities: sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and molybdenum. Iodine is found mainly in Appleseed.

Daily use of a pair of pieces of apple or a glass of juice will be a good stimulus for the body to maintain the usefulness of mental activity to a ripe old age. Apple juice is beneficial for diseases of hypertension, gall bladder and excretory tract. Apples, like juice, basified blood and favor the removal of toxins from the body, stones and sand from the kidney and gall bladder, strengthen the walls of blood capillaries and are easily digestible source of organic iron, which is important when anemia.

Avoid processed apples, as they contain very few nutrients and lots of strangers, alien to the nature of the human body. Buy a juicer soundly and enjoy natural food.

Tags: apple juice, benefits, property, Juice therapy