All the benefits of ginger can be combined into several large groups.
1. The analgesic and antispasmodic action
Ginger effectively eliminates aches and pains in the abdomen, caused by, for example, intestinal or biliary colic, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach ulcer symptoms and others. Regular consumption of ginger improves digestion, relieves flatulence and nausea, relieves morning sickness during pregnancy.
In addition, thanks to its antispasmodic properties, ginger can be eaten with painful menstruation and to relieve asthma attacks.
In addition to the internal use of ginger can also be used externally. For example, grated ginger or paste resulting from the mixture of ginger powder with water, can be applied as a compress or when muscular headache pain.
2. Antibacterial action
Ginger protects the body from parasites, is effective in the treatment of parasitic diseases. In addition, it prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, so after each meal is useful to chew fresh ginger. He not only freshen your breath for a long time, but also protect against many diseases of the teeth and gums.
Besides ginger useful in the treatment of colds caused by bacterial or viral infections. A paste of ginger can be applied as a compress to the skin boils to pull their content.
3. The stimulating and toning effect
Ginger strengthens blood vessels, improves memory and brain blood circulation, so it can be used in adjuvant therapy in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Yet it is perfectly restores power in mental or physical fatigue, increases sexual arousal, improves metabolism and reduces high blood pressure.
4. The antitumor effect
As shown by recent studies Ginger is also effective against some cancers - skin cancer, ovarian cancer and pancreatic cancer. Eat ginger in food can be for the prevention of these types of cancer or as a remedy in the early stages of these diseases.