As the need for magnesium body is experiencing quite often worth constantly use products with its contents. Its main sources are cereals, particularly buckwheat, oat and millet, as well as bran and bran (rye) bread. In addition, magnesium is present in legumes (beans and peas), cocoa, timber, almond, pine, walnut, sunflower seeds and pumpkin, green vegetables, especially spinach and parsley.
Magnesium is found in seafood - kelp, shrimp, clams and crabs. Among the fruits and vegetables are rich in this element pumpkin, cabbage, garlic, watermelon, apple, white grape, grapefruit, lemon, fig. Magnesium deficiency can be eliminated with the help of the aloe vera plant (syrup or liqueur), nettle, rose hips, chokeberry (in the form of broth instead of tea).
For the successful recovery of magnesium from food useful to use both foods rich in vitamin B6. In sufficient amounts, it is found in milk, cheese, chicken egg, fish, bread and bran cereals. However, it should be taken into account that the absorption of magnesium and calcium-inhibit meat (in large numbers) products as well as the abundance of fat in the diet.
To save the magnesium in the body to avoid the systematic use of alcohol, sugary, carbonated drinks. And besides should limit foods that contribute to its removal - tea, coffee, sugar and chocolate.
The daily requirement for magnesium is 400-600 mg (4, 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight). However, this measure increases in periods of intense growth in children (6 mg per 1 kg body weight) after an illness or disease (more than 20 mg), as well as throughout pregnancy and lactation (50 mg more).