How to choose clothes newborn

How to choose clothes newborn
 The appearance of a child's relatives are prepared with excitement, often by buying up all the contents of the shelves of children's shops. It is quite clear: in addition to the fact that not everyone knows what specific things require infants, the process of shopping gives indescribable pleasure, because modern children's clothes are so cute! In order not to waste money, preferably in advance to have an idea that it will take a little child.

What clothes are necessary for a newborn at home

In the first days of newborn clothing is required in small amounts: two or three light or heavy vests depending on the time of year, as many sliders. In more purchase them does not make sense, since most parents use diapers, respectively, things hardly get dirty, and change them only when bathing. It is also worth to buy a pair of fused suits that are fully closed and the back and abdomen, as opposed to a set vest plus sliders, unless jacket is made not as a bodykit with long sleeves.

As for the body, there are different views of parents. The fact that they cover the whole body, very comfortable, but to put them over the top of a child who does not keep his head pretty hard.

What clothes you need for a newborn street

When it comes to summertime, it's all very simple, and outerwear child is not required, except that indoor jumpsuit cotton in case of cool and warm hiking blouse. For fall and winter will require a much larger set. In addition to a warm fleece jumpsuit warm jacket with pants or envelope-suit. At the head is usually acquired a warm cap and tight cap, the thickness of which depends on whether the upper garment hood.

If a child is born in the winter, it is enough fur envelope acquired on the extract and winter coveralls will be available as early as next season.

 What size clothes to buy newborn

Do not take things too small, even if the baby is born is not too large. Of the sliders 56 size it will grow in the first month. Winter and autumn things should be taken with a reserve to be enough until the end of the season. Calculate the size is not difficult, it is only necessary to take into account the average monthly increase of growth.

Small accessories

Not worth a huge amount nakupat bonnets. They are often worn only after bathing, and then in the cold season. But from such things as socks, do not even summer. Due to non-established process of thermoregulation feet in infants may become cold even in the heat. Another little thing - it Scratchy hand, but their use is not all. If things are equipped with special sleeve cuffs, the Scratchy are not required in principle.

Tags: clothes, newborn, newborn