Blueberries help preserve vision in order, if you have it daily in small quantities. Good action on the brain has anthocyanin dye contained in this berry.
Broccoli and spinach - a storehouse of vitamins B and E, as well as chlorophyll. With regular use of these vegetables will keep hemoglobin levels within the normal range, which will help prevent anemia. Also, these vegetables have a beneficial effect on memory.
Beneficial effects on the body have tomatoes. They contain large amounts of lycopene, which protects the cardiovascular system and prevents the degeneration of cells. Eat as many tomatoes, tomato sauce, and drink natural juice.
Marine fish and seafood also slow down the aging process. They include fatty acids and trace elements, which protect cells from damage. Include in the diet of oily fish, eggs, shrimp and other seafood.
Pumpkin and carrots are rich in beta-carotene and vitamins that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and premature aging. Eat these vegetables in their raw form, or a positive effect not follow.
Apples improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins that cause various diseases and provoke premature aging. Eat apples with the skin, because it contains many essential vitamins.
Drink skim milk to keep the skeleton in order. Dairy products contain calcium. If you do not carry it, drink soy milk, because it prevents the appearance of malignant cells.
Certain foods help to extend the years of youth and look great, but you need a whole and eat right. Exclude from the menu all the harmful meals that are rich in fats and preservatives.