Sea buckthorn - A multivitamin culture, the fruits of which are very tasty and have useful properties. Buckthorn fruit and flowering begins at the age of three to four years. The flowers are pollinated primarily by wind. Seabuckthorn fruit round or oblong, red, orange or yellow colors. Seabuckthorn - very crop yields, it bears fruit every year, the fruits ripen in August and September. Seabuckthorn - undemanding plant, it is resistant to drought, frost and pests. Wild sea buckthorn can grow on moist sandy soil, and plant survives well on a layered floodplain. The most suitable soil for plants - a loose, well-leaky and air, with humus. Seabuckthorn loves the light, so it is recommended to be planted in open areas, protected from cold winds. For medicinal purposes use the seeds, leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn. The fruits are harvested when they reach full ripeness. Ripe berries pluck from the branches.
Seabuckthorn is unique in that it contains provitamins and almost all the basic soluble and water soluble vitamins, glucose and fructose, which are well absorbed by the body. On the content of fatty oil buckthorn leader among all fruit plants.Buckthorn with its useful properties - Just a panacea for human beings. So, brewed from tea leaves her, a couple of tablespoons of oil or sea buckthorn juice can nourish the human body is extremely important for the health of its agents. Seabuckthorn - a rare product that treats and people from many diseases, and also plays the role of a prophylactic agent against serious diseases.
Fruits may be frozen, and even in this conditionsea buckthorn preservesuseful properties. Its berries contain a lot of vitamin C and vitamin B. In addition, vitamin C is stored in a berry, even after processing, because it does not askorbinokvidazy. Iron is present in the fruit, a fatty oil, carotene, malic acid, trace elements and other nutrients. Sea buckthorn juice is indispensable for vitamin deficiency, also used oil infusions and tinctures. Considered especially valuable sea buckthorn oil, which contains 8-9% pulp. The oil is very effective for gastritis, for the treatment of frostbite, burns, various ulcers, anemia, diabetes and hypertension. It helps and sinusitis: a sterile oil is introduced into the maxillary sinus. When eye burns, corneal injury and vernal conjunctivitis oil is used as a compress.
Butter can be prepared at home and the fruit is drained, dried and pulverized. They were then soaked in two weeks in a vegetable oil. After straining obtained oily liquid, however, biologically active substances it is not much. For exhaustion and anemia in food is recommended to use the fruits and young twigs and leaves brewed as a tea. When GLOSS and stomatitis brewed the leaves of sea buckthorn: one cup of boiling water 5 g of raw materials. Infusion of leaves of sea buckthorn is effective to treat gout. Prepare infusion as follows: 1 tablespoon of raw brew 1 cup of boiled water for thirty minutes. Infusion to strain and take 3 times a day for half a glass. A decoction of the leaves is very good for rheumatism and joint diseases: 10 minutes 1 tablespoon of raw materials should be boiled in a glass of water, then drain and add boiling water to a volume of a full glass. Broth take 2 times a day for half a glass.
Well, that and talk about the benefits of sea buckthorn, mashed with sugar - is not only a delicious dessert, but also very healthy dish. Especially good mashed with sugar buckthorn cold winter day or a gloomy autumn she had been fed by our body with vitamins and give a good mood. Buckthorn can be inhibited, and then all of its beneficial properties persist until winter. A magazine JustLady tell you the recipe: sea-buckthorn berries need to sort, wash and dry, then rub through a sieve. In that case, if the bad berries are wiped, they must be within a couple of minutes in a hot water blanch. You should get a berry puree, in which you need to add sugar and stir it well. Mashed put on low heat and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. That's a great vitamin dish is ready! It remains only to preserve the puree, and lay deposited before winter. And tasty, and very helpful!
Buckthorn and its beneficial properties is simply invaluable to man, but, alas, there is her and contraindications. JustLady Please note that the juice and fresh berries can not be used for people with peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.
Alice Terentyeva