The most useful meat

The most useful meat
 For the normal functioning of the human body need to get a complete, balanced diet that contains all the necessary materials. These include protein, are the building blocks of cells. Of all food, most of the protein contained in the meat. Therefore, it must be present in the human diet.
 Vegetarians, in principle do not use meat, argue that the protein contained in many plant foods, such as nuts, mushrooms, beans. Moreover, in their opinion, in the meat many harmful substances, and during heat treatment they can turn into carcinogens, ie substances that trigger the formation of malignant tumors. What can you say about this?

The protein content in plant foods are much lower than in the meat. In addition, vegetable proteins are digested worse. You can choose to use useful meats and reduce the risk of carcinogens to a minimum.

The most useful dietary meat rabbit is considered. It has a lot of protein and little fat, it has a high taste, besides a low-calorie. Furthermore, rabbit practically does not cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended even kids.

Very helpful and poultry, such as chicken, turkey. Less total fat in the breasts of these birds, so it is possible it should be eaten.

Useful and veal. Nutritionists recommend eating meat and wild animals and game, such as venison, elk meat and meat partridge, grouse, capercaillie, etc.

Less useful is red meat, ie, beef, pork, lamb, goat. There is a clear pattern: the older the person, the smaller the proportion of red meat should be in his diet. The most harmful in terms of meat is pork nutritionists. It is very oily, besides rich in cholesterol. So even if you are very fond of pork, it is better not to abuse this kind of dishes of meat, and to choose to cook the pieces with a minimum fat content.

To minimize the risk of carcinogens, it is better to boil meat, stew or bake in the oven. But some of your favorite crisp formed during roasting on an open fire, should be abandoned.

Tags: meat choice benefit Useful