Calcium is essential for blood clotting process, reduction of excitability of nerve and muscle to improve heart muscle tone and so forth. Its deficiency can cause severe diseases, more than 150 different systems of the organism, and calcium deficiency symptoms can manifest themselves in the body in the form of the disease.
Are particularly susceptible to its lack of children, women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as people aged 40 years and older.
Symptoms that should pay attention to:
- Dry and brittle nails and hair, a violation of their structure.
- Dental caries and demineralization (leaching minerals from tooth structure) teeth.
- Osteoporosis (low bone mass), bone fragility and brittleness, particularly after age 40, when the uptake of calcium is significantly reduced.
- Muscle cramps, muscle pain, increased muscle excitability.
- The excitability of the nervous system.
- Frequent infections and allergy due to lower immunity.
- Poor blood clotting.
- Violation of the heart and cardiovascular system.
- Back pain, kidney disease.
- Thyroid dysfunction.
Calcium from food and water usually biologically maloaktiven therefore it requires supplementation in the form of calcium supplements.
When severe symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body, it is necessary to make analysis of trace element composition in biosubstrates (blood, urine, hair and nails) to determine the cause calcium deficiency and assign it to the correct reception in conjunction with the elements and vitamins for better absorption. This approach will prevent excessive intake of calcium in the body, which in turn can lead to a shortage of other essential elements such as zinc and phosphorus.
In addition, excess calcium can lead to urolithiasis and its deposition in bones and joints. Proper use of calcium can bring the body a good result without any side effects.