The Chinese kept his precious bottles, but he looks brakshun not presentable - whitish, brackish taste incrustations on the walls of deep rock crevices and caves. Say it with great pleasure licking animals and birds peck. Perhaps it's true - the salt in the mountains is always in short supply! And maybe our younger brothers know abouttreatment of stone oil...
Since ancient times, it is believed that eat the "mountain wax" to get rid of many ailments and knows eternity. In China, only the emperor tried brakshun. Even the favorite wife and dignitaries coming did not dare to touch the drug without the highest resolution. A head Indomitable immediately flew from his shoulders. And in vain! None of the Chinese emperor did not live up to the present day. So immortality bestowedstone oil- Just a beautiful fairy tale. But here's medicinal properties brakshuna can hardly be questioned.
Ancient Tibetan medicine is strongly recommendedthe use of stone oil in treating gastric, liver and kidneys. Equally categorically set out in the treatises of information about the highest efficiency in the doctoring of burns and wounds. The Chinese invented brakshunu many names and appreciated "the blood of the rocks' weight in gold.
But the mountains are not so easy to give their blood, as we would like people to envy and collectors stone oil is not necessary. Constant risk of falling into the bottomless pit, head loss is suspected that concealed part of priceless production, storage secrets on pain of death ... The difficult and dangerous profession! It was a family, passed down from generation to generation. And this order is not violated for centuries, becausestone oil grew at the same place, and more than once a year to go and see to the sacred crevices made no sense.
Of course, not alone Tibetans believe in miracles stone oil. Application and found him in Egypt. Use the "mountain wax" shamans of Altai and Trans - and, just as the Chinese. However, assessed not in gold, but in a more practical, from their point of view, things - deer, fox skins, sometimes human service. In unison with the Tibetan monks and shamans claimed: no light on the disease, the cure is not subject brakshunu, and even death departs from it. However, their confidence, "tears of the mountains", collected daredevils - only a faint resemblance to the true medicine. Find the same brakshun actually granting eternal life, is almost impossible. By the way, the Russian tsars, unlike the emperors of China, were clearly agree with the shamans. At least for the immortality they are not particularly chase, and even Peter I issued a decreeuse of stone oil in the treatment of "all sorts of diseases."
History brakshuna has no less than five thousand years, but his studies seriously took about two centuries ago. And with the improvement of the equipment in a stone oil are more and more new components. According to the modern scientists it contains natural alum and at least 49 minerals, including gold, silver and even platinum. Interestingly, the composition brakshuna depends on rock, on which are formed medical sinters. How to know - and suddenly shamans are right and true rock immortality even simply can not be found ...
And yet, from what would have been collected or mountainsoil stone, reviews about it invariably the same: it increases the protective function of the body and improves the general condition. This is understandable - a huge number of trace elements can realistically restore power. But as brakshun acts on cancer cells - while a closely guarded secret. Testimonies of healing terrible disease are only, alas, not confirmed. However, there are no documents denying the action of the stone oil.
But women's magazine JustLady can safely say that brakshun no harm! It can be used, for example, in the off-season - as a prophylactic agent for various exacerbation of chronic diseases. But the effect oftreatment of stone oil weUnfortunately can not guarantee. People are so different, and so much sometimes solves the belief in miracles.
If you decide to resort to using stone oil, the main difficulty - to get it. A cook is easy - simply dissolve in the water, let it brew for a couple of days, then drain and separate the precipitate. By the way, the precipitate brakshuna used for compresses on painful joints, wound healing and even fractures. Basic recipes require the concentration of "grams per liter." That is, three-liter jar of clean water you need to take three grams of the drug. Although the ancient doctors said that the heavier the disease - the more you needstone oil. Treatment is very simple - first drink half a cup of the solution after a meal, and if not there was an allergy - it three times a day before meals for decades. The course is repeated at intervals of two weeks or a month.
Women's magazine JustLady not give you exact recommendationsuse of stone oil - Because of sound scientific information about him too little. But exactly what brakshun - wonderful natural stimulant and a natural source of minerals. Chinese emperors knew a good judge!
Elena Afanasyeva
Women's magazine JustLady