Pumpkin seed oil: used in cooking
Due to the pleasant taste and thatpumpkin seed oil is very useful, it is often used for cooking. They filled in salads, cooked meats and legumes. Remember that this oil should not be thermally processed, otherwise all their beneficial properties disappear. In order to prevent possible every day on an empty stomach to take one spoon of oil.
Pumpkin seed oil: use for medical purposes
Pumpkin seed oil is widely used not only in cosmetics and cooking, but also in medicine.Pumpkin seed oil has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and anti-sclerotic properties. Also, it is useful to take people who are concerned about cystitis. This oil helps in the treatment of eye disorders, lung and respiratory tract. It is added in creams, balms and masks used for massage and as a compress.
Due to the content of the whole complex of vitamins, it has a good effect on the activity of the gallbladder and liver. And anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, wound healing and antibacterial properties make it ideal for treating a number of diseases. Have pumpkin oil and sedative properties that it is effectively used in the treatment of headaches and nervous system. Also in the pumpkin oil contains substances that are well strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means that the oil has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system. Skin diseases is also useful to use pumpkin seed oil - it can be lubricated lesions. Due to the high content of beta carotene, vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids remarkably regenerates oil.
Properties of pumpkin oil
The specific properties of pumpkin oil, it effectively used to remediate many skin defects. Like This,pumpkin seed oil properties which makes it a natural filter for the skin from ultraviolet radiation, remarkably moisturizes, softens and nourishes the skin. This is one of the most useful and for beauty, health and oils. Restoring, softening the skin, it is, thanks to vitamin E, saturate it with oxygen and moisture.Pumpkin seed oil recommended for mature, damaged and dry skin, as well as for your hands. Good help for acne. Also, this oil can be used to strengthen and restore the nails.
Pumpkin seed oil so well relieves inflammation of the skin, helps to accelerate the healing of burns and wounds, that it is often used in cosmetics. If you have a wound or abrasion that does not heal, or you got a sunburn, JustLady magazine advises you to lubricate the affected area with oil, it is advisable to carry out this procedure several times a day, and soon heal the wound site.
Pumpkin seed oil for weight loss
Many women usepumpkin seed oil for weight lossAnd rightly so, because it is a wonderful oil helps to burn fat and stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. That is whypumpkin seed oil often used in the preparation of dietary dishes. If you are going to go on a diet, then refuel light salads just this oil. This is not only useful, but tasty, any foodie would be happy with this dish.
You can usepumpkin seed oil and in cooking and for skin care and hair care. Due to the content of vitamins A and E, this oil will cause your skin and hair in good condition. For example, you can do moisturizing mask for the skin and hair, or just to add a bit of pumpkin oil in your favorite cream for the face and hands. This is doubly useful - at such a mask is a good regenerating effect. If your hair has become dry and damaged, thepumpkin seed oil help you recover them. If you rub the oil into the hair roots, when used regularly, they will look well-groomed, after the beauty salon. It is advisable to make a mask with pumpkin oil for the night, obvernuv hair wrap. For dry and damaged hair, this procedure can be done every week for normal hair - once a month. If you are concerned about cross-section of the ends, then cut off them, and begin actively moisturize the hair all the same pumpkin oil - not only rub it into the scalp, and rub over the entire length.
Pumpkin seed oil: contraindications
Side effects from pumpkin oil no. It can be combined with any medication. In use,contraindications have been identified, except individual intolerance, ie allergies. It is recommended not to take too high doses of oil, more restrictions.
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady