Indeed, persimmon contains a lot of useful vitamins that are essential for our body. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and its regular use can normalize blood pressure. Persimmon is very useful for neurotics, as well soothes, relaxes, without compromising performance. In other words, just a fabulous piece of fruit and a storehouse of various nutrients. However, for all its attractiveness and usefulness for health persimmon is not as harmless as it may seem at first glance.
The main danger associated with this wonderful berry, is its ability to induce severe intestinal obstruction, often leading man on the operating table. The reason is the high concentration of tannins contained in its fruits. It is due to the presence of tannins characteristic astringent persimmon. Entering into a chemical reaction with the gastric juice, they form a viscous sticky mass, which, like the dense adhesive cements individual pieces of fruit. As a result, in the stomach forms a kind of foreign body, which can block the lumen of the intestine and cause obstruction. Doctors call these bezoar formation or "stomach stones". In some successful cases, these stones can resolve on their own, but often requires surgery.
Special risk are people who already had early problems with the stomach or intestines. Any operation on the stomach, intestine or nearby organs may provoke decrease in activity of the intestine, which adversely affects the digestive process. May also adversely affect connective tissue adhesions occurring after surgical or chronic gastrointestinal illness. All these features of the body can lead to problems in the use of persimmon.
But does this mean that because of fear of possible intestinal obstruction have to completely abandon this valuable fruit? Not at all. It is important to only comply with some caution. In particular, avoid unripe persimmon with a high content of tannins. Do not abuse her number even very ripe fruit. If there is any predisposition to gastrointestinal problems, previous surgery and severe illness, the use of persimmon should be limited to two or three fruits per day.