Overeating: how to preserve health in the New Year holidays

Overeating: how to preserve health in the New Year holidays
 New Year's holidays are associated with a fabulous table - people celebrate the New Year, escorted outgoing, relax and go for a visit. The danger of overeating is fraught with consequences for their health - at this time the digestive organs have to work with the additional load.
 The habit of snacking before the meal serve you well - do not go to visit or to a restaurant hungry, otherwise you will eat much more than planned. It is best to interrupt appetite nuts, a bit of cheese or cottage cheese, a piece of boiled chicken. Do not miss the habitual meals - try to eat with the same frequency, and you manage to keep yourself if you want to try all the dishes festive table.

Rare holiday complete without alcoholic beverages. Observe moderation in drinking, and you can control the amount of food, and rid your body of unwanted calories contained in alcoholic beverages. Danger fraught with sweets - the feast of the consumption of sweets and cakes exceeds all acceptable norms. Fight this can only volitional efforts - adjust your desires.

Control the fat content in the festive dishes. If you prepare yourself, think through healthy menu in advance - give up fatty sauces and fillings to salads (replace them with lemon or pomegranate juice, low-fat yogurt), meat and fish cook on the grill (instead of baked in butter and mayonnaise). Prepare light vegetable appetizers and dessert not post ice cream and sweets, and assorted fruits.

In the New Year's holidays, you can not even click on the TV remote control - all channels offer a rich program so that it is difficult to resist the temptation to lie down on the couch with your favorite treats. Cheer up and use the great opportunity to rest and recuperate - move more, walk, go to the fitness club. Being at a party, and actively participate in contests and Meet - the less you will be sitting at the table, the more useful to spend time.

New Year's feast begin with snacks - chew, so you quickly filled. Put on a plate a few small portions of food that you want to try and try to stretch the pleasure of eating for a long time. Never overeat in favor of the hosts - gave them a better compliment about food preparation and politely refuse.

Tags: appetite, holiday, health, eating, meal