If you look from the point of view of medicine on the brain, we can say that a good memory - it is a sign of health. Yes we memorizing - is a physiological process that involves a large number of nerve cells in the brain, while certain proteins synthesized and consumes a large amount of energy and the substrate.
Accordingly, to improve memory the human brain must receive regular sufficiently diverse chemicals and energy with the daily diet. With monotonous food reserves are depleted of nutrients, and the memory fades.
To maintain the operation of all organs and systems, including power cord should include: carbohydrate (up to 70% of the diet), mainly cereals, vegetables and slightly less than the fruit, animal proteins and plant origin (15%), vegetable fat (up to 15% ).
The main source of energy for the brain are carbohydrates. So when you want to quickly memorize a large amount of material, do not sit on the protein diet. Proteins minimum needed to improve memory function as a source of amino acids. Should eat meat at least 3 times a week. Especially useful beef.
Do not forget about polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3. To fill the needs of the body are advised to take at least 2 times a week, fatty fish (herring, trout, salmon, mackerel). As well as vegetable oils, cold pressed.
Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins, minerals, mono- and polysaccharides, are also required to complete the work of the brain. Various processes are catalyzed mediator vitamins and neyraminami. Among them important is tryptophan. It is contained in a large amount of sesame seeds, bananas, eggs, chocolate.
Sometimes to enhance memory, with increased nervous and physical activity requires additional intake of vitamin supplements (B vitamins), drugs that improve cerebral blood flow (gingko biloba, succinic acid), amino acid complexes.
To improve memory is not enough to proper nutrition. You must also exercise regularly (to improve cerebral circulation), to conduct train your memory with the help of special logic exercises.