People plant called Zhgun-grass because of his burning taste medicinal roots. Unfortunately, due to the massive collections of plants in the nature of its distribution greatly reduced, so the plant brought in the Red Book. It is important to remember thatMarin root can not be taken from the wild, so growers acquire plant seeds to grow it in their gardens. It should be noted that it has successfully obtained, since this kind of peony unpretentious, frost, does not get sick, not damaged by pests. However, it survives only in the fertile soil and does not tolerate standing water.
Very interesting history of the name of the plant. The flower was named in honor of the real-life people - the famous Greek physician named Peon. During the Trojan War, a talented doctor cured many soldiers that allegedly caused the envy of teachers peons Aesculapius, who decided to poison his pupil. On the future of the peons tells a legend that the gods decided to save a talented physician and turned it into a beautiful healing plant, continue to treat people. But in China, the peony was called "the most beautiful among the flowers." It symbolizes wealth, nobility and wealth, and honor the people of China.
Marin root properties and chemical composition
The healing properties of plants have been known since ancient times. For example, the pion is widely used Avicenna. He wrote: "insisted on honey water helps nightmares, reduces black spots on the skin. Useful in epilepsy, unless the root to hang around your neck. " People believed that in those places where the growing peony, disappear evil spirits.Marin root harvested in August and September. The roots of the plant are dried in the sun or in the dryer at a temperature of 45-60 ° C. Peony Root comprise: essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, sterols, saponins, resins, sugars, gallic acid and salicylic. Due to the huge amount of content of nutrients, the plant is widely used in folk medicine.
Women's magazine JustLady tells its readers, loving and enthusiastic herbs, about the wonderful healing properties of this doctor, and how it can be used.
Marin root: Properties
Marin root is used in diseases of the stomach, ulcers, bleeding, cough, gout, rheumatism, insomnia, hypertension, erosion. The root helps to normalize metabolism, relieves stress, helps to restore the nervous system. In addition, the use of Peony Root improves mood thanks to enhanced production of endorphins. Also Marin root is used as an effective analgesic in many diseases. For example, when a strong toothache is recommended to hold the mouth teaspoon of tincture of peony, and in 10 minutes the pain subsides. Journal JustLady Please note that the infusion increases the acidity, so people with high acidity need to be especially careful. For insomnia, nervous tics, epilepsy, cardiac neurosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, obsessive phobias helps tincture.
Marin root tincture of alcohol
To prepare 100 g of tincture of plant roots pour 100 g of alcohol, insist week in a dark place. Take tincture 10 minutes before meals for 40 drops. Duration of treatment - 40 days, then a break for 10 days. If necessary, the course is repeated.
Marin root tincture water
Water tincture is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. Crushed root pour 2 cups boiling water, close lid and insist overnight. In the morning filter. Infusion must necessarily be stored in the refrigerator. Take 10-15 minutes before eating a quarter cup. Be careful and cautious when serious diagnosis treatment peony should be optional rather than a major. Of course, be sure to consult with your doctor. In addition, the need to strictly follow the dosage.
Marin root application in joint pain and sciatica
When the pain in the joints of fresh rhizomes grate, mix with pork fat interior. The resulting mass simmer in a water bath for half an hour, after cooling, make the application on joints, imbued with ointment linen cloth. Top roll up a woolen cloth or compress paper. Applique keep overnight. This helps ointment and sciatica. It is recommended to rub into the affected area 3 times a day. Can be combined with the use of alcohol tinctures.
Marin root application in hypotension and acidity
Marin root - The plant is poisonous, so you should strictly adhere to the dosage. Decoctions and infusions increase the acidity of the plant root, so suffering from hyperacidity gastritis should be especially careful. In addition, Marina root slightly lowers blood pressure, so gipotoniki in the use of tincture should follow him. Marin root is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady