Commodity markets are divided for a long time and the benefits of well-known manufacturers of essential oils are not only a good technology base and possession of secrets, but also the opportunity to purchase the best first-class raw materials. Therefore, the name of the brand in this market segment is not only a high price, but also excellent quality, which meets all the standards.
The main consumers of essential aromatic products are pharmaceutical companies, food and cosmetic industries. The process of manufacturing of essential oils is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, so the cost of natural oil can not simply be low.Manufacturers of essential oils should not recycle one ton of feedstock to get a few pounds of fragrant elixir.
Today, there are several ways to obtain an aromatic substance. Manufacturers of essential oils using them depending on the feedstock and the final destination of the product.
1. Steam distillation
This method allows you to save all the properties of essential oil plants, it is known since ancient Egypt. Raw materials are placed in a container and pour hot water. During heating, the water mixed with the juice of plants, rises upwards and goes through special filters that retain essential oils. Water is evaporated in the plant is also used in cosmetics and lotions, and is the basis of refreshing sprays.
2. Solvent extraction
In this case
producers of essential oils are slightly different equipment. The feedstock is placed on the lattice and is set in a huge tank. After a start drive of volatile solvents which during distillation aromatic saturated vapor. The resulting substance is a solid flower extract and in demand by manufacturers of perfumes, because it has a richer flavor.
3. Preparation of the absolute
Flower extract is poured alcohol-based, which gradually evaporates, leaving the so-called "absolute". It has a slightly different chemical composition than the extract or oil and finds wide application in cosmetics.
4. Squeezing
This method is used
producers of essential oils to obtain extracts from the peel of citrus: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, bergamot. Previously, it was a completely manual process, nowadays used centrifuge. The oil obtained in this manner is considered a very high quality and contains impurities.
Currently, there are several well-knownproducers of essential oilsWho enjoy well-deserved reputation and sell products of excellent quality.
Aromaterapie Karel Hadek (Germany)
Karel Hadek - renowned aromatherapist from Germany. He is the author of many original recipes, which have already gained the recognition of the people of Europe. Company produces cosmetics and aromatherapy products, including essential oils. In the manufacture of its products, the company uses only natural ingredients obtained without the use of harmful chemicals.
Bergland-Pharma (Germany)
The company was founded 25 years ago in Germany. Today is one of the most venerableproducers of essential oilsAnd its products occupy more than 30% of essential oils, submitted to the European market. Makes deliveries to Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria and others.
Styx naturcosmetics (Austria)
Activities of the famous Austrian company is not limited to the development of the formulation, research quality of raw materials and production of aromatic oils. The company's representatives regularly attend essential oil plantations around the world and watching the environmental situation in these areas.
Just International (Switzerland)
Swiss company, for over 75 years known asmanufacturer of essential oils with a high degree of purification. The company is one of the leading suppliers to the world market of natural cosmetics excellent quality. All oils produced by Just, made from vegetable raw materials without the use of chemical additives and dyes.
Vivasan (Switzerland)
The company's success is based on using only natural raw material in the manufacture of products. The company uses all the latest developments and discoveries in the field of healthy food and medical cosmetics, produces drugs and essential oils based solely on vegetable raw materials.
When buying essential oil, remember that it is an expensive natural product, and its therapeutic properties and cosmetic effect depends on the quality and the manufacturer.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady