Is it harmful to drink coffee?
Almost every year, scientists are finding new dangers that lie in a cup of coffee. Of course, this drink can have a negative impact on the body, but most often the reaction is individual. Agree: that is extremely harmful for some, it is safe for others. Nevertheless, there are common to all the negative aspects of coffee. People who are wondering -harmful to drink coffee - Must take this into account. Thus, it is widely known that a high content of coffee harmful to us benzopyrene resin, wherein the amount of the resin depends on how roasted coffee. Accordingly, the coffee is less harmful, which is less browned. It is believed that coffee invigorates people through caffeine included in its composition. This is partly true, but it should be borne in mind that in a cup of coffee contains about two thousand chemicals, some of which increase the activity of caffeine, while others decrease.
Speaking of that,harmful to drink coffeeNeed to elaborate on what is caffeine and what effect it has. By pharmacological classification caffeine belongs to the group of stimulants - substances that act on the central nervous system, excite the nerve cells. Simply put, when a person drinks coffee, then he goes sleepy state, it becomes vigorous, active, ready for the mental and physical activity. However, not all drink coffee because of its invigorating effect, but simply out of love for the taste of this fragrant drink.
The main thing is what opponents accuse the coffee drink, reasoningharmful to drink coffee- Is the possibility of addiction, akin to the drug. Even many doctors believe caffeine a drug that causes both physical and psychological dependence. Others believe that coffee - no more drugs than the same chocolate. Both of these products increases the amount of serotonin (hormone of happiness). However, they still can not be considered drugs. Therefore, arguing thatharmful to drink coffeeYou need to consider and what substances are narcotic. They must possess three characteristics: addictive (as to achieve the effect you need to increase the dose), and physical and psychological dependence. Coffee also has only one of these properties: it does cause physical dependence. So, people who regularly drank coffee and decided to give it up completely, may feel confusion, drowsiness, irritability, lethargy, nausea, headache. That is why the magazine advises JustLady gradually wean yourself from coffee, but not dramatically. But the psychological dependence and addiction coffee does not cause that is proven by scientific research.
How much can you drink coffee
So who andHow much can you drink coffee? Coffee, nevertheless, can not be considered completely harmless drink. So, doctors advise people to drink it with atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Also not recommended to drink coffee in glaucoma, hypertension, insomnia, irritability, kidney diseases. In addition, coffee is better not to use children and the elderly.
For information on when andHow much can you drink coffee women's magazine JustLady can say this: do not drink coffee on an empty stomach, and after a hearty lunch. It is best to consume this drink in the morning, because a cup of coffee drunk in the evening, can cause insomnia and restless sleep. But the number of drinks that you can drink a day, scientists still argue. The majority believes that the most safe dose of coffee - one - two cups a day. But more can be dangerous for the body. For example, large doses of coffee drunk per day, can inhibit the absorption of calcium.
Even moderate consumption of this beverage can identify any violations in the digestive system or stomach problems, and large doses of the more will have a negative effect on the body. For example, there is evidence that the 4 cups of coffee per day increases the risk revmoartrita 2 times. If 2 cups of coffee stimulate, help relieve fatigue, improve attention, physical endurance, the more effective the contrary, causing nervousness and irritability. Women's magazine JustLady reminds importantly - moderation and common sense throughout, especially in the use of coffee. And then you can enjoy a drink without fear for their health!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady