If you are concerned about the bruise is not strong, not at the injection site edema, and the temperature is raised, you can try to cope with the unpleasant consequence of injections yourself.
Buy at the pharmacy ointment absorbing effect - heparin, or troksevazinovuyu trokserutinovuyu and rub in problem areas 2-3 times a day. Today, commercially available as creams with all kinds of additives, has absorbing action "Bruise OFF», «Ambulance with bruises and contusions," "Arnica", "Lioton" and others. Use in accordance with the instructions. Cream will help in the composition of which has a chestnut extract or saliva of leeches (hirudin).
The pharmacy can also buy powder concoctions (badyagi), prepare a composition according to the instructions for use and rub into the affected area. There are also gel and cream based concoctions.
Take advantage of popular recipes that are no less effective than pharmaceutical remedies will help get rid of bruises after injections.
Take a piece of fresh cabbage and a little repel it. So that made the juice. Lubricate it with honey and apply on the hematoma. If you commit a compress bandage, you can keep it all night. In addition to resolving the action, he has also analgesic effect. Cabbage leaf can replace burdock (the remaining actions are similar).
Draw a cotton swab on the injection site iodine mesh. Do this 3-4 times during the day.
Here's an old recipe proved centuries. Prepare cake healing. To do this, grate fresh horseradish stick and squeeze through two layers of gauze juice. Take 1 tsp this juice and add to it 1 tbsp honey and butter. Stir. Connect to a mixture of 1 egg yolk and flour. Calculate the amount of flour themselves, as a result of mixing you should have a soft dough. Shape of the cake and attach it to the place of injection. Top cover with plastic wrap and secure with a bandage. Make a compress every night and leave it on overnight.
But another cake recipe, too curative. Mix one part of clay and salt. Add water so that you can knead the mass, the consistency similar to dough. Use as in the preceding description. Good effect red and green clay (available at pharmacies).