The first step is to eliminate from the diet of foods rich in animal fats and cholesterol. Useful in this situation, only the fish oil. Vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, too, it makes sense to leave.
Then it is necessary to limit sweets. They typically contain a simple carbohydrate, which contribute to a sharp elevation of blood sugar. As a result, the liver begins to actively produce cholesterol. Cholesterol, in turn, enhances the formation of stones from the bile. For incorrigible sweet tooth there is a way out. In a small number of permitted use marshmallow, marshmallows, jellies and dry fruits, including apricots and dates. Sweet fresh fruit will also work.
Inclusion in the diet of fiber reduces the risk of the emergence and growth of gallstones. Thanks to the fast food passes into the intestine and reduces the production of secondary bile acids.
Fiber is in the berries, vegetables, legumes, vegetables, nuts, whole grains (buckwheat, brown and wild rice, oats, barley), fresh and dried fruits.
Before each meal should eat 100-150 grams of raw vegetables or fruits. This can be a big carrot, pear or apple.
In the evening you can a thermos zaparivat tselnozlakovye cereals, described above, with salt or spices to get hot breakfast cereal.
Speaking of breakfast. He just needed when problems with the gall bladder. Let this be a drinking yoghurt, drunk driving to work. The main thing is to start the mechanism of bile flow. After the gallbladder is filled for the night.
Must eat 5 times a day, in small portions. During the meal, bile is released. The more often, the absorption of food, the less the risk of stagnation in the gallbladder, and hence the formation of stones.
If the whole day to be done on the road, you should think about food in advance. It is better to have in stock products or plan where to eat, what cause stagnation in the gallbladder.
So, in order to prevent gallstones, to be followed fractional power, low in animal fats, eat more fiber and drink less sweet.