How to drink beet juice

How to drink beet juice
 Beet juice is one of the most useful. It stimulates the blood, lowers high blood pressure, cleanses the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, increases peristalsis, helps to combat menstrual pain, reduces tension and eliminate insomnia. However, despite this, drink beet juice with caution.
 For juicing is best to choose dark beets without white streaks, having an elongated shape. Wash the roots, clean it from the skin and cut the part out of which grew tops. Need to cut about 2-3 cm vegetable. It is believed that in this part of the main portion of the beet accumulates nitrates.

Fresh beet juice contains substances that can cause severe nausea, heart palpitations and general weakness. Fortunately, these substances are volatile. So they evaporate, put beet juice in a cool dark place for 2-3 hours. Very convenient to defend it in the refrigerator.

Beet juice has a powerful cleansing effect on the body, so you need to get used to it gradually. Start with a daily intake of 1 tablespoon of beet drink, diluted in a glass of drinking water. Gradually bring the dose to 1 cup of juice a day. Higher doses may cause too strong a reaction purification.

If you disliked the taste of beet juice, drink it mixed with other vegetable or fruit juices. The combination of a beverage from beets with other raw juices will benefit the body even more. In any recipe beet juice mixture should not exceed 1/3 of the total. It is best to drink 150 ml of a mixture of juice 3-4 times per day.

Of vegetable juice blends well with beet carrot, pumpkin and cabbage, from fruit - apple and orange. It is also possible to prepare multi-component mixtures of juices, which include beets. The most popular ones are the following recipes:

- Beets, carrots, cucumber;
- Beets, carrots, radish;
- Beets, carrots, apple;
- Beets, carrots, orange;
- Beets, carrots, cabbage;
- Beets, carrots, celery.

Beet juice and juice blends should be drinking on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. During Live Juice Therapy desirably excluded from the diet foods containing sugar and starch. Contraindication to treatment of beet juice is the aggravation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Tags: beets, treatment, use, Live Juice Therapy