Why do we drink the water?
The water we need not just to quench their thirst corny. All metabolic processes in the human body are taking place with water. That water is delivered to every cell in our body nutrients, removes harmful toxins and even taking an active part in the process of thermoregulation.
If you do not knowhow much to drink water a dayAnd drink less daily allowance, can provoke slow down kidney. After all, if the kidneys do not get to process a sufficient amount of fluid, they begin to work in slow motion. But renal function must still be performed, and partially begins to perform liver. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes.
What does the metabolic abnormalities in plain language? It is a threat for the beauty and health. Overweight, problem hair and nails, skin peeling and even headaches - these are the main features of a person feels metabolic disorders in the body.
It seems like it is clear that water is vital for our body, but why then there are restrictions on the orderhow much and when to drink liquid?
Why do they say that you can not drink a lot of water?
There are two main factors which made reference in the justification of the fact that drinking lots of water is harmful. The first factor - swelling and kidney problems, the second - water leaching from the body of nutrients.
How much should you drink water to the kidneys, and not suffer and all nutrients remain in the body? To begin with let's deal with the fact how dangerous is the excessive use of water, and whether or not it leads to unpleasant consequences.
Of course, the measure is necessary to know everything. After all, if drink a day for more than 6 liters of water, something really useful substances can be washed out of the body. But just imagine what 6 liters of water. If the average glass holds 200 ml. liquid, it turns out that the "critical" daily volume of water - 30 glasses.How much and when to drink so fluid?
At the same time, the recommendations for the maximum possible amount of water consumed for people suffering from heart disease and kidney should give only a doctor.
As for edema, the situation is much the same as the excess weight at the moment when you decide to lose weight very rapidly. The organism is frightened that receives less food - get extra kilos for the stock, the body fluid lack scared - get reserve the liquid in the form of edema. Yes, the body is not up to snuff. He responds quickly to changes, and therefore do not need to shock his sharp reduction in the diet as food and water.
Wrong from the point of view of medicine approach is to decrease and the amount of fluid consumed to lose weight
Thus, the sharp reduction in the number of water consumed - not the best method of dealing with edema. Do not become permanent members of the faithful to combat swelling and diuretics. The abuse of such means as time and can face the problem of leaching of nutrients from the body. Much better to build your own daily drinking diet and stick to it permanently. Make it a snap. About how much drinking water per day, a women's magazine JustLady offers to talk further.
Water: daily rate
The most important criteria for determininghow much you need to drink waterIs the amount of water every day, our body loses in the process of life.
At first glance it seems that he does not lose too much, and it happens only during urination and perspiration. But in fact, a certain amount of fluid is lost even during exhalation air. Count the number of fluid levels for each individual process, we will not, but the total amount of water that our body loses a day, give. It is an average of two and a half liters. Since compliance with the water balance in the body has not been canceled, then the answer to the question of whetherhow much to drink water a dayIs somewhere near this figure.
It is clear that drinking every day is two and a half liters of water - is a complex task that requires attention and calculation, and it would be ridiculous if the evening, missed one liter of water, we urgently drank five cups of tea. Therefore, immediately say that these figures - only a guideline, rather than the exact amount of water to be consumed per day. Especially that there are factors that can change this figure.
For example, to slightly increase the amount drunk per day of water can be, if you smoke. Also more active drinking regime - a good solution during exercise at high ambient temperatures and low humidity. Some diseases are also a kind of indication for increasing the amount of water to drink a day. It can be as colds and diseases that involve receiving special medications that contribute to dehydration. In addition, it is recommended to increase the daily rate of water consumption in case of excess weight.
Respond to the question of whetherhow much to drink water a dayHelp also signs of lack of fluid in the body. For example, to increase the amount of water to drink a day is necessary if the urine is not enough light. In addition, it is possible to conduct an experiment: to pinch myself for the outer side of the palm. If the skin is smoothed quickly, it means that you drink enough water, if not very fast - fluid intake should be increased.
Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady