How do you know your metabolism

How do you know your metabolism
 The rate of metabolism in the body is determined by several factors: the human sex, age, level of physical activity, muscle and fat mass. In general, men's metabolism is much more active than women. Knowing your metabolic rate, the person has the ability to monitor the amount of energy that the body needs.
 There are several alternatives for calculating the metabolism and energy expenditure per day. However, we must remember that all calculations do not give accurate results, since they do not take into account the characteristics of the organism specific person: genetics, hormones, behavior and lifestyles. Metabolism is determined by taking into account two factors: the exchange rate and the level of physical activity.

The simplest method is to determine the energy consumption. To begin, calculate the basal metabolic rate by the formula: 1 ratio (for men) or 0, 9 (for women) x body weight in kilograms x 24 hours. Then identify the food thermogenesis: 10% of the total exchange. The cost of physical activity is calculated by the special tables of energy consumption for a certain type of activity. Metabolism will be expressed by the sum of the basal metabolism, thermogenesis and food consumption and physical activity.

Accurate method of determining the metabolism is to appeal to a specialized laboratory, where specialists define individual card metabolism. Approximate calculation result can be obtained from the formula: 655 + height (in cm) x 1 + 8 Weight (pounds) x 9 6 - the number of complete years × 4, 7.

Another calculation method is to determine the metabolic baseline metabolism. It is calculated as: weight in kilograms multiplied by 24 hours. The result is the minimum value of the calories that your body needs to function properly. And when you consider the level of physical activity, for the sedentary lifestyle index multiplied by 1 and 3. If the every day man has great physical strain, the basic metabolic rate is multiplied by 1, 4. This is a quantitative indicator of the daily caloric energy needed for your body. More reliable result is obtained only at a laboratory study.

Tags: substance exchange