When the broth boil, then remove the fat after cooking. He brings great harm to the vessels. Sharply limit the use of offal - kidneys, liver, and brain. Try not to add sausage, hot dogs and sausages, pates eat less, stew and dumplings.
Good cholesterol include fatty fish - tuna, mackerel. Eat 100 grams of marine fish a couple of times a week. Cheese and butter increases cholesterol, and soybean oil, corn oil, olive oil, low-fat dairy products, nuts and avocados contain polyunsaturated fats, lowering its level.
Chicken eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, so the norm for an adult is the use of three eggs a week. However, proteins can have unlimited amounts, they do not contain cholesterol. Cook the omelette from one yolk and three proteins - is tasty and healthy.
Consume fruits and vegetables contain pectins and they help to bring cholesterol from the blood. A lot of pectin in citrus fruits, seeds, beets. To remove excess cholesterol is indispensable Juice therapy. Particularly useful are orange, pineapple, grapefruit and apple juice. Very good any berry juice.
To remove harmful cholesterol should eat fiber. It is contained in the bran, seeds, whole grains, legumes. Take on an empty stomach bran 2-3 teaspoons necessarily with a glass of water.
Allow yourself time to time a little red wine, it lowers cholesterol and has beneficial effects on cardiac function.
At elevated cholesterol is very useful green tea, it helps raise the level of cholesterol and reduces the required indicators of "bad".
Onions and garlic contain no cholesterol and prevent blood clots. Moreover, these properties do not disappear by a heat treatment. Removal of cholesterol all natural seasonings.
In addition to diet, you need to pay attention to physical activity. Devote daily physical activity for at least 30 minutes. Intensive load output "bad" cholesterol, reduce weight, give a positive attitude.
Accumulation of cholesterol contribute to smoking and alcohol abuse, so you should get rid of these bad habits.
In addition, with the excess cholesterol can be controlled by means of meditation and massage when there is muscle relaxation, reduced stress.
Traditional medicine for the health of blood vessels and removing bad cholesterol recommends the following plants:
Its roots and leaves have anti-sclerotic effect, purify the blood of fat-soluble toxins. Add the young leaves in salads and refill them with olive oil. Or dry the roots, grind them into powder and take 1/3 teaspoon three times a day before meals.
White cinquefoil
This plant makes the walls of blood vessels elastic and strong. Prepare a tincture of 50 grams of crushed roots and 0, 5 liters of alcohol. Steep for 21 days, daily shaking. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.