Honey: benefits and harms
Honey - the most ancient and useful product that has both nutritional and medicinal properties. Already the ancient Greeks used honey to treat various diseases.
Composition of honey
Valuable properties of honey are due to its composition: besides sugars (glucose and fructose) and honey water contains a lot of essential trace element (iron, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.), As well as vitamins, which are biogenic stimulators.
The benefits of honey
• Due to the high calorie honey is useful for people to recuperate after a serious illness, after a sporting event, after strenuous exercise, as well as children during intensive growth;
• Honey increases the immunity of the body, its resistance to disease, in connection with this honey is often used for colds;
• honey used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, skin and many other diseases;
• With bactericidal, honey is a natural preservative. He never covered with mold, as well as products that are immersed in it.
How to take the honey?
Even such a useful product as honey, can not be taken in unlimited quantities. Adult person can eat at 100 hours, maximum - 200 g of honey, and this amount is divided into three portions.
Med not take with food, and for 1, 5-2 hours before a meal or after 3 hours thereafter.
Honey as possible, it is better no drink, and if you drink, the tepid water, but in any case not hot tea! When heated above 40˚ honey most of its useful qualities are lost due to destruction of vitamins and antibacterial substances.
Harm honey
The phrase "harm honey" sounds strange and weird, so all accustomed to thinking of honey extremely useful product. However, honey can be harmful to the human body. This happens in the following cases:
• When heating and melting honey in order to stop the fermentation; to give it a liquid consistency (some do not like candied honey) and the production of counterfeit, adulterated honey. Honey when heated above 60˚ completely loses all its useful qualities and can even cause poisoning;
• When eating excessively large amounts of honey (the standard mentioned above) at high risk of diabetes and obesity;
• Med more than sugar dangerous in terms of caries. Therefore, after the ingestion of honey have to rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth;
• For some people, honey and other bee products are allergens that can cause an attack of asthma, exacerbation of skin diseases, even anaphylactic shock.
Adults who are aware of their increased sensitivity to honey and avoid products containing honey. But children under 2 years of age is not recommended to give honey to avoid possible allergic reactions.
Benefits and harms of honey - two sides of the same coin. Do not forget about it, take honey right.