The more running depression, the stronger the antidepressant should be selected. Of course, prescribe treatment can only physician, and, depending on your condition only a doctor will be able to choose the best method of treatment. Most potent depressant sold in pharmacies strictly by prescription, which is quite reasonable means of control, as a doctor is able to correctly diagnose and accordingly prescribe treatment. In this case, this point of view, as "it helped a neighbor, so help me, and" not only is not true, but it can lead to serious negative consequences.
If you go back to the beginning of this article and to talk about that any illness should be treated at an early stage of the disease, it can turn its attention toherbal antidepressants.
Herbal antidepressants have a minimal effect on the human body, gently eliminating the symptoms and effects of depression. It is possible to talk about a minimal amount of side effects and contraindications. So, herbal antidepressants do not cause any addiction or drowsiness or nausea. In addition, vegetable antidepressants can be purchased in almost any pharmacy without a prescription, which means that at a very early stage in the development of depression, you can help yourself and your body to get rid of the possible negative consequences of mental illness.
There are manyherbal antidepressantsBut typically, many of them are produced from Hypericum.
St. John's Wort with its unique medicinal properties known to mankind since time immemorial. You can, of course, their own brew St. John's wort, and to treat symptoms of depression using St. John's wort broth, but it was so good medications that many of them contain the desired active substances (which help it in depression), a maximum concentration, whereas, the number of other (side) of the active substance is reduced to a minimum amount. Thus, takingherbal antidepressantsYou are working on your body just the way you want to reduce the symptoms of this mental disorder such as depression.
Usuallyherbal antidepressants not only help to overcome depression, but also have a positive impact on the human psyche in general. For example, many drugs reduce anxiety, improve sleep, help to overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on. However, it should be understood that if self-treatment using herbal antidepressants do not bring a positive effect, there is a need to see a doctor, so that he appointed the optimal treatment. It is possible that the condition of your nervous system is in a worse position than you are still expected and, therefore, should be more serious treatment.
And the last thing I want to talk - it's about the rules of antidepressants, regardless of the strength of their effects on your body.
So the first and most important rule - a strict adherence to doctor's instructions for receiving the drug or instructions when it comes toherbal antidepressants. With regard to this rule, and the timing and dosage of the drug. Skip the drug can not be otherwise, the desired effect can not wait. Remember that if you are well treated and fully depressed, the probability of re-manifestation is greatly reduced. But if you do not comply with the rules for admission and, accordingly, does not fully cure depression, you can soon expect again deteriorating mental health. Also, do not be afraid to get used to the drug, because depending on antidepressants just does not happen.
Do not rely on the fact that antidepressants take effect immediately, and even more afraid of the fact that the first stage of treatment you do not feel any improvement. As a rule, note possible improvements can only be in the second week of taking the drugs. However, if you do not see the effect within three weeks of antidepressant should consult your doctor to choose another method of treatment (you may want to change the dose, or maybe should choose another drug to treat depression).
It should be remembered that treatment with antidepressants, includingherbal antidepressants must be carried a long period. In no case did not drop out of treatment, if you feel improvement. As a rule, the minimum rate taking these drugs is two months - because the body has to adapt to a healthy state, new for him at this period.
Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady