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Reviews of contact lenses extremely heterogeneous: on a par with those who use these modern means of vision correction, and quite successfully over the long term, there are always less fortunate patients. Their feedback on thedisadvantages of contact lenses can confuse the novice and even scare him. We have compiled a collection of the most common rumors about contact lens and explained why they remain rumors.
Myths about the dangers of contact lenses and care
Myth: Contact lens can sunset behind the eye and can not be pulled out.
Truth: There is no object, even as thin and flexible as modern contact lens can not "decline" of the eyeball, if only because the eye is inserted into the eye socket is free, and there is no "loopholes." If the eye is strongly rubbed with a lens after the lens wearing eyelid or inappropriate form, it can be displaced but still remains on the outer surface of the eyeball.
Myth: Contact lenses are constantly falling out and they need to look for on the floor.
Truth: Tales of the drop-down lenses refer to the period of domination of the first generations of hard lenses, which, indeed, from time to time may leave their rightful place. Modern soft, especially silicone hydrogel lenses, characterized by high flexibility and affinity to the fabric forming the eyeball. When properly selected and worn, they are, what they say, fit like a glove.
Myth: In a pinch, you can rinse contact lenses ordinary drinking water, such as bottled.
Truth: This is hardly a good idea. Even the best quality drinking water and non-sterile by definition is not intended for the treatment of contact lenses. Together with microscopic water particles remaining on the lens in the eye may get unwanted "guests", causing irritation, swelling, inflammation. Also, minerals contained in the water even after a "soul" can settle on the lens and change its geometry.
Myth: If the container is lost from the lens, you can use it instead of a jar from the cream container from a film or something similar.
Truth: No way! Any "non-native" packaging contains undeletable on the walls in the home raid once filled her substance. Hit him in the eye of the particles from the surface of the lens will cause serious consequences.
Myth: There are people whose eyes are too sensitive; they will never be able to wear contact lenses.
Truth: Wearing contact lenses - a question of will and skill training. Indeed, someone can quite quickly deal with the first difficulties and learn to wear lenses "with one hand," someone it takes more time. But cases of inability to wear lenses for some physical reasons not known to science.
Myth: Contact lenses provoke eye infections.
Truth: Only in the case of non-compliance with the recommendations for the care and wear and careless attitude to the need for regular visits to an ophthalmologist.
Myth: Do not happen do not worry, if I wear lenses longer than the prescribed time limit. Quality of care is not changed, and you can save a good amount.
Truth: As the lens directly and extremely close contact with the surface of the eye, any, even the slightest change of state is a threat to the cornea. That is why independently prolong the service life of a prescribed lens can not be - it is calculated on the basis of experts properties of the material from which the lens is made, its shape, moisture permeability. Strict adherence to the prescribed period, wearing lenses to avoid the harm caused arising on their surface coating.
In a review of the lenses occupy a significant part of reports of problems means putting contact lens. That is what gave rise to an idea of the complexity of lens wear. Of course, we can not say that anyone can without any difficulty be placed on the corneal surface of the lens; it is an error when equipped often causeHarm contact lenses and provoke a negative attitude towards them. But if you wish, willingness to learn, help ophthalmologist and follow recommendationsputting lenses very quickly turn into an automatic procedure.
How to wear contact lenses?
1. Practice keep an eye wide open and do not blink. Sit in front of a mirror in a well lit area; using the index finger of one hand (depending on whether you prefer to use), pull up and fix the upper eyelid, the middle finger - the lower eyelid. Approaching the index or middle finger of the other hand to the eyeball, almost touching it. Continue to exercise as long as the eyes are not accustomed to be open and learn to calmly respond to the approach of a finger.
2. Finishedwear lenses, Do it on the table so as not to lose them. Prepare the lens: rinse them with a solution (although the lens should not be too wet, otherwise they "leave") and lightly touching, inset from the container pad of the index finger. The lens should be in the form semicircular cups, its concave side should sit on the surface of the eye. If the lens resembles a soup plate or a glass of martini, she pulled away. Some manufacturers mark the surface of the lens to indicate which side you need to wear it. Carefully inspect the lens on it should not be specks, lint, opacities.
3. Using movements mastered during training, open your eyes. Recommends that you wear the right lens, and then - the left, but do so as it is convenient to you. Gently place the lens on the cornea, without blinking, gently push on it to install, and then release it. Smezhte eyelids slowly and leave them closed for a few seconds to the lens covered the tear fluid. Can very easily to massage the lens through the eyelid to make sure that she got right, and "glued" to the cornea.
4. If you feel dry, you can use special eye drops. In case of not passing or growing within a few minutes of discomfort, remove the lenses and wear them again, carefully and slowly. Always wear lenses before applying makeup.
Disadvantages of contact lenses
According to the expert women's magazine JustLady ophthalmologist, MD, a medical consultant for Johnson & Johnson Irina Leshchenko, objectiveminus contact lenses, With all their modern merits, the fact remains that the lenses are actually a foreign body in the eye. Therefore, the main responsibility lies with the patient: he has to set their own lens to monitor their condition and strictly follow all recommendationscontact lens care. We can say that in themselves are harmless contact lenses, but can cause harm to the foul wearing them and inattention to the emergence of anxiety symptoms. Complications with the wrong lens wear can lead to keratitis, conjunctivitis and even corneal ulcers.
Caring for lenses, make sure to use only compatible solutions for storage and means for further purification. Do not use the solution in the container again - it should be replaced every time you put the lens back shot. Otherwise, the container can become a real petri dish for bacteria, and they, as you might guess, quickly perekochuyut eye. Do not skimp on the containers - Pick up by two or three to safely wash and dry unused and take a "fresh". Replace containers every 2-3 months. Todaycaring for contact lenses became easier - if the content of their activities in clean and wearable seem very troublesome and you aredisadvantages of contact lenses, Discuss with your ophthalmologist purchasing extended wear lenses (they do not need to shoot at night) or daily disposable.
According to our expert ophthalmologist Tatiana Pavlova, PhD, a medical consultant CHI "Haydron Group", the invention of silicone hydrogel lenses significantly reduced the percentage of hypoxic (lack of oxygen-related) complications, but infectious, allergic, and mechanical complications are not yet fully eliminated . The main possiblenet of wearing contact lensesEven silicone hydrogel remain discomfort and dryness, depending on the individual characteristics of the eye. This complex states, forming a number of factors, including the initial state of the tear film, environmental conditions, properties of the lens. In case of difficulties when using contact lenses as soon as possible to see a doctor, rather than trying to solve the problem. Despite all the efforts of experts to maximally facilitate and simplify the use of means of contact correction lenses - a medical device, so you need to treat them with due reverence. Dr. Pavlov recalls three basic rules of healthy lens wear:
- Good vision
- Wellness
- Good appearance (no redness, swelling, etc.).
and recommends not forget that if you wear lenses, you will need to visit an ophthalmologist every six or, even better, in three months.
Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady