Meet salendula officinalis - sun flower
Medicinal properties of calendula in folk and official medicine used for a long time, decoctions and infusions based on this amazing plant used in the days of Avicenna. Orange-yellow fragrant marigold has choleretic and diuretic, calms the nervous system, lowers blood pressure and is anti-inflammatory agent. Ointments andtincture of calendula were popular in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, in Russia it is a medicinal plant have been cultivated since the 12th century.
Calendula tincture - cooking at home
Widely used in medical applications calendula due to its chemical composition. Kalenda, carotene, malic and salicylic acid, resins, essential oils and flavonoids - that's just not a complete list of active substances that give this little bright flower a pharmacological value.Calendula tincture, use which is shown in various diseases, has antiseptic and antiviral effect, strengthens blood vessels and promotes skin regeneration. Water tincture of calendula suppresses viral infections, including herpes, alcoholcalendula tincture helps acne and inflammatory skin diseases.
Infusions of the flowers of calendula have always been popular. Previously, they were trained in pottery directly in Russian stove. Collected inflorescences, poured cold water on fire and tormented 1:00. Receives a yellow, thickish solution that can help in a variety of ailments: scrofula, rickets, spasms of the stomach, gall bladder and liver, diseases of the cardiovascular system. With its help heal ulcers, wounds and cuts, sore throat rinse. Alcoholcalendula tincture treated with stomach ulcers, colitis, and inflammation of the duodenum.
Today, products based on calendula can be purchased at any pharmacy. Alcoholtincture of calendula, Manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry, take for hypertension, as cholagogue (10 drops per 50 g of water), in the treatment of abrasions and small wounds (a teaspoon of tincture 500 ml of water).
Hometincture of calendula has a weaker concentration, but this does not reduce its useful properties. For its preparation is necessary to grind 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh flowers, put in a glass jar and pour a glass of vodka or diluted alcohol (1: 1). Then close the jar and put in a week in a cool place.
Water extract of the inflorescences cook faster, but it can not be stored for more than 2 days, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties. Take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh flowers, pour two cups of cold water and heated in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Cool, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth, dilute with water to the original volume.
Calendula tincture: application
Hypertension. Used alcoholate - industrial or home-cooked - 20-30 drops mixed with 50 g of boiled water and take 3 times a day for a month. Tincture tones and normalizes the cardiovascular system, resulting in the disappearance of headaches, sleep and performance restored.
Calendula tincture of acne. Helps to get rid of acne and scars left behind by acne. Wipe problem areas alcohol tincture at bedtime, or make special Drying Lotion: 50 grams of alcohol pharmacytincture of calendula add 2 tbsp. spoons of cold boiled water, tsp. 5% solution of boric acid and 3 ml of glycerol. Lubricate the face in the morning and evening.
Calendula tincture: throat, thrush, oral ulcerations. Dilute tsp. Alcohol tincture in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with this solution and throat every hour and after eating the food. Young children gently wipe the oral sores dipped in a solution with a piece of bandage, wound on a finger.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder. Treatment is carried out as follows: starting with 20 drops of alcoholtincture of calendulaGradually increase the daily dosage. When you get to 1 tsp. - Continue to take the medication 2-3 times a day for a month.
Calendula tincture for hair. Help get rid of dandruff mixture of tincture of calendula and castor oil (1: 3), which must be rubbed into the scalp every time before washing. Helps against hair loss herbal infusion of inflorescences (recipe we cited above): Wash your hair and rinse infusion of marigold. Repeat 2 times a week for two months.
Gynecology. When cervical erosion help douching - 1 tsp. Alcohol tincture of calendula in a glass of boiled water.
Small, but such a useful Calendula is a true "assistant" for pharmaceuticals. And yet, before you use it at home, talk to your doctor - it will help you avoid mistakes in treatment.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady